I know I should do what my brain tells me but I can't really ignore my hearts desires. I'm really confused. After the test results and everything, I was sure about my answer to him. But now, thinking about everything I've lost so far, losing my crush towards Veron is as painful as it can get. But honestly, I never had Veron to lose him. It's just the crush I'm sad to lose. 

Night comes and still no sign of him. There's a thought at the back of my mind telling me exactly where he would be to find me.

After my works over, I head back home. My nervousness has returned. There could be a huge chance of me finding him in my place so as I get closer, I scan the area for him but find nothing. 

I walk into the building and stand in front of my door without opening it.

My lock is easy to open using a pin or something like that. Talking with experience here,  since I actually did it after I left my keys in the restaurant one day. I opened the door using a hair pin and that didn't even take that long. It's really easy to open with or without the keys. 

My heart starts to slam inside the rib cage. Even if I was waiting for him to show up the entire day today, I can't bear the thought of seeing him inside right now.  

I open the lock slowly but don't open the door for awhile. The hallway in completely silent except for my breathing. I can't hear any sound coming out of my apartment as well. I take deep breath and push the door open.

Everything looks the same as how I left it. Nothing's changed. Nothing's different. No one's here.

It's empty.

Releasing the breath I was holding, I go to my bedroom and bathroom to check. I even check under the bed, just in case but no, nothing. 

I don't know if I'm actually relieved or disappointed to not find him here but, I really thought he would be here.

I lock the front door and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Afterwards, I sit on the couch taking my cereal I bought on the way over and coffee to watch TV. I turn down the volume so if Veron comes, I can hear him approach.

It's nearly midnight when I give up and go to bed to sleep. I have some pills that I normally take for sneezing that makes me sleepy so I take that hoping to get dreamless sleep.


"Hi Hope." He smiles at me.

"Hey" I smile back shyly.

"Are you ready to play with crayons?" His blue eyes are shinning with excitement.

I take a seat at our play table and Veron sits right next to me. He is a chubby boy with a beautiful blond mess on his head.

When he looks over at me, I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Okay everyone! Take your seats." Our teacher makes sure everyone's seated and is looking at her before starting the class. She does this everyday.

"Good morning children." Although her face is a little unclear I can feel her smile.

"Good morning teacher!" We all chorus together.

"Today we will be drawing! I want all of you to draw who you want to be in the future." She claps her hands and urge us to start.

I grab a pencil and a paper. I already know what I'm going to draw. A teacher.

Wait no. I'm not a teacher. I'm a waitress.

But I've always wanted to be a teacher.

Why would I wanna draw a waitress?

Because I am a waitress.

But I drew a teacher that day and our teacher praised me for it.

My hands draw a waitress and when I'm halfway done, I look over at what Veron has drawn. I ask him what it is cause all I see is a boy standing. He has bright blue eyes.

"This is who I wanna be when I grow up. I wanna be yours and I'll make you mine." His voice gets heavier than his cute baby voice and soon it is the older Veron talking. 

I crawl away from him instantly scared of him. Scared of what he did, thinking he will do it again. I can feel people's gaze on me as I shake my head saying "no no no" repeatedly under my breath. Veron holds up his drawing right to my face and it's changes to a pair of haunting blue eyes glowing in the dark right near my eyes. I scream to get away from it.

I wake up screaming and shaking only to find a figure leaning against the bedpost, staring at me with those exact same murderous eyes.

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