Chapter 06

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"I'm looking around these few kids drawing so contently. Well... Some are drawing, some are just annoying others while some are just playing with crayons. I'm already done with doing what our teacher gave us to do and I'm just waiting till she comes around to check.

Our teacher is pretty. She looks really gorgeous, smiling and laughing with everyone. I wanna be like her one day. She looks so cheerful, so happy. She told us to draw what we want as our pet. I drew a cat and a dog. I've always like both, so I can't choose between them to draw one. 

I look down at my drawing, wondering if others can see that it's a cat and a dog.

The girl next to me, Chelsea is drawing a mouse or a bunny. whatever it is, It looks cute.

"You like both cats and dogs?" A boy looks at me, holding his drawing to himself.

I hold mine to my chest and nervously answer, "Yes."

"It's beautiful." He smiles at me. I notice that his eyes are blue. I have never seen blue eyes before in my life.

"Thank you." I smile back at him.

He pulls his drawing from where he had it in his chest and showed it to me.  "I drew a frog."

I look at the green little frog just sitting down in the paper. It's eyes are so big and it looks cute with a smile.

"I saw one last night but before I could catch it, it jumped away and disappeared. So now, I want a frog."

I have never tried to catch a frog. I actually wanna try that today. I wonder if my mom would let me.

"What's your name?" The boy asks me.

"Hope." I look at his blue eyes.

"Hi Hope. I'm Veron" "


Blue eyes stare at me now. His eyes shine in the moonlight and as he takes down his hoodie, I notice that his face hold anger and confusion.

"Answer me!" His grip on my arm tightens.

"Let go. It hurts." I mumble while trying to free my arm.

"Hope." He says my name with warning that I stop moving. "What? Are. You. Doing. Here?"

"Ellen works in our restaurant." I mumble.

"Why did you lie to me? Is this where your night shift is?" He asks me mockingly.

"No..."I look at the ground. Shrugging, I reply, "Maybe I didn't want much attention from you, I guess." I answer honestly now. 

I've been alone for the last 3 years that I don't want someone monitoring my every move now.

"Attention?" He says it like he can't believe what he heard. "Oh my god, Hope! I just wanna protect you, I don't want anything to happen to you on the way."

I look up at him. "I've been going back home alone, everyday for the last 3 years without trouble." I shake my head. "I don't want your protection. I think I can take care of myself just fine." 

I pull at my hand away from his grip, putting everything I have and when I finally jerk it off, it's red where his hand has held me.

HOPEOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara