Raina listened to every word he said.

Apologising to her wasn't going to be enough, at least not this time. All that he'd said had gotten to her. The mean words she could forget, but the accusations were harder to both forgive and forget.

She knew that he felt a sense of protectiveness for Ariel. Since he'd been labelled the bad guy, it was like he was aware of what kind of guy Ariel shouldn't be with, and Kayden was similar to how Damon was, minus the leather jacket and motorcycle. She knew that he'd lash out but when it came to her, Raina didn't expect any of what had said.

Raina was ready to hear what Damon had to say in his defence, if he even had one, but she wasn't not expecting him to mention that last word. Insecure.

Opening her eyes, she looked to Damon, who now had his head bowed down, as if in shame.

She wanted to badly to comfort him, to wrap her arms around him and just let them have their moment. However, she knew it was more important for her to hear what he had to say, knowing if she stopped him now, he'd run, and she'd never be able to hear what had kept them apart for so long.

"Insecure?" She asked him, her voice lighter than a whisper, however it was enough for Damon's head to snap up towards her, a smile now in his face.

"You're this great girl Raina. One in a billion. I don't see you with someone like me, because you deserve the best and that's not me" he started to say and when Raina seemed like she was about to interrupt him, he shook his head to let him continue. "When I saw the video, it broke my heart because you mean everything to me and to hear you say those words, it killed me, Rain" he confessed.

Damon took a breath, knowing what he was about to say was his most deepest confession, but Raina was the only person he could say this to. The only person he had to say this too.

"My insecurities got the best of me and it was like a way out. It was a cowards way out but I took it anyway. I thought if I stayed with you, I'd end up hurting you and I swear Rain, I've never wanted to hurt you. That video gave me a way to make sure you stayed away from me and so I took it. I selfishly took it. I thought I could stay away from you, but I could never. Not with you. I wanted to believe you hurt me, that you broke me and so I did, I needed to believe it so I could act like you didn't matter to me, when in reality it's the complete opposite" Damon told his truth, his eyes stinging.

This had been something Damon had long kept to himself. Feeling like he was fighting himself. His mind was clouded by dark thoughts, and sometimes he found himself sucked in so deep and falling so far down the rabbit hole, that he was trying so hard to claw his way out. Damon didn't want his family or friends to know anything. He just wanted to complete this fight on his own. Battle his own demons without worrying anyone else.

Loving Raina was one of the only good things he'd done, but he was scared. So scared. He worried that the demons that plagued his mind, would then drag her through his hell too. He'd rather keep her away and happy then with him and sad.

Raina looked at Damon as he spilled his heart out to her. He looked so fragile in the moment. She had no idea that he was going through all of this. Especially alone.

Instead of feeling sadness, Raina felt a sense of anger grow within in her.

Raina leaned forward and grabbed at Damon's t-shirt.

"Do you know how stupid you sound? How dare you believe that video over me? I love you Damon. I've said it again and again" she seethed in anger.

Damon was left wide-eyed at her action and more so at the fury that was in her eyes. He knew he deserved it.

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