Chapter 34👿 Bloodbath Elevator & Broadcasting Torture

Start from the beginning

"Understandable." Cecil smiles and ruffles Kaiya's hair.

Cecil leads her out of the chamber, following in behind a few other scientists that had Dominic and Caleb with them. "Nikki! Caleb", Kaiya shouts. The two boys turn and went to run towards the girl, but was held back by their own guards that were following behind a scientist.

   Dominic growled at the female guard who rudely told him to walk while Caleb rolled his eyes at the male behind him. The scientist with Caleb turned to look at Kaiya and widened is his eyes if he were shocked about something. He had atomic blonde hair, it almost looked white. His eyes were light blue and he had pale skin that was clear of any scars.

    The man pushed up his glasses and looked forward again before walking with Caleb. "Weird", Kaiya whispers. Cecil chuckles and pats the albino's shoulder. "Let's keep moving." The thirteen year old nods her head before continuing behind her "brothers". Two guards stood on either side of the thick metal door, one male and the other female. The female takes a card and slides it through the pin pad. A green light glowed and the doors opened slowly. They all walked through the door, and down the hall. The people in glass cells watched them pass by.

     One man, who had to be in his late thirties, banged on the unbreakable glass yelling out something. Caleb and Dominic walked next to Kaiya, giving her the feeling that she was safe. Finally they made it to the end of the hall where the elevator stood. The female scientist entered a code, the elevator making a low ding and opening.

    The guards went through first, followed by the scientists and then the elites. One of the guards pressed the button that showed the number fifty, the movable car going up. Dominic was to the left of Kaiya and Caleb was on the right. Kaiya took both of their hands, the boys squeezing her hands tightly to reassure her they were gonna be okay.

***Blood will be in this section. Skip to the purple devil emojis at the end of the fourth paragraph if you're uncomfortable.***

Cecil and the albino blonde man smiled at their hands. "Hey Dominic", Caleb whispers. "Sup", Dominic whispers back. Their whispering sounded like tut tut tut tut tut, and this continued on until the female scientist slapped the ginger's head. "Hey bitch!" Dominic grabbed at the brunette, but a muscly male grabbed his arms while another guard punched him in his torso. "No! No! No", Kaiya screeched. Cecil held her in his arms as they could only watch the older getting hurt. "LET HIM GO THIS INSTANT!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!"

"Kaiya please calm down", Cecil shouts. Kaiya thrashed around in Cecil's grasp until she was able to break a loose. A female guard used her elbow to hit Kaiya against her cheek. Kaiya yelled and stumbled back. Her eyes glowed bright with fury as she hollered like a bear. She pounced on that guard and clawed at her. Being able to go through the metal suit, her hands flailed everywhere as she scratched and clawed at skin, blood splattered everywhere as Dominic and Kaiya fought. The female guard screamed as Kaiya dug her nails into her eyes, digging into her sockets and gouging them out.

Blood dribbled down the woman's chubby face. Pain evident in her pleading voice. Though Dominic was hurt, he fought through it with glowing eyes and a menacing smile. He held a guard by his neck in the tight iron grip of his hand while his fist was down in the other guards throat, going further and further until he was close to touching their heart.

    Caleb eyes glowed lightly, he examined the elevator, making sure he took mental notes of the small confinement.

   Cecil, the woman and the older man stuck needles into the teens' neck. Dominic growled at Cecil while Caleb flinched at the female scientist. Kaiya gave the older man a hard time until she finally calmed and fell into his arms. The other teens soon followed her slumber and the once scream curdling cries of the guards was eerie with silence.

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