Chapter 9😈 It's That Day

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Previously on Secret Class of the Elite....
    Kaiya smiles, "it's okay. I'm sure there's a better reasoning for your hate. But, I guess it's best to keep it to yourself." The albino then gives him a kiss on the cheek, making the ginger blush. "D-don't do that Kaiya!" Kaiya laughs, "don't give us away. Now come on let's go."

    Kaiya stands up from her criss-cross position on the black wired balcony and walked down. Dominic stood up and took one last look at Class 1-A before following the albino girl to class.

 Dominic stood up and took one last look at Class 1-A before following the albino girl to class

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.'s that day. The Sports Festival; and every student was just SO excited for this event that they've all worked so hard for.

Okay okay, not EVERY student was excited...

Class R.I.P. are now sitting in the lounge room looking at the many people broadcasted in the stands on large 70 inch TV, ready to see what the UA students had in them. Ollie sighs in boredom, he looks up at the ceiling just watching the fan above them spin around, getting dizzy in the process as he tried to follow its fast movement. Dominic gets up from the red velvet colored carpet and heads for the door. "Nikki? Where are you going", Malachi asks. "I'll be back. It's not like we'll be on in any minute."

Dominic closes the door behind him and starts making his way down the quiet hall. His class was separated from where the other classes were because they're, apparently, supposed to be hidden until the Calvary Battle starts.

From Dominic being in his own little world and thinking about the event, he didn't realize that he was on the other side of the arena.

And right in front of Class 1-A's room.

Shit! How the fuck did I get over here so quickly?! Dominic sped walked away from the door. But then he heard the room go silent, which made the ginger curious. What the hell? Dominic lightly walked back to the door and stood in front of it. He wasn't really able to hear what they were saying due to the voices being low. But whatever he wasn't able to hear, he figured that the conversation was heavily hovering over their heads. Dominic felt his phone vibrate, which was a text from someone.

    Dominic takes his phone out and reads the message Caleb sent.

Caleb: Come on Dominic.

Caleb: Game is about to start.

  Dominic hurries and makes his way back. But of course, faith didn't like him much. "Hey it's that one guy from that secret class." Dominic turns back to see Class 1-A walking out the door, some of them staring right at him. Uugghhhh! I was trying to not get caught! Dominic blows his breath and turns to them. "Wha–?"

"Ehh?! How come their gym uniforms look different from ours", Mineta yells. "Mineta, the color scheme is just different", Yaoyorozu tells him. Instead of the traditional blue and white with the red trimming on the sleeves, Class R.I.P.'s gym uniform was black and white with gold lining. "Don't make a fuss about it", Dominic says as he starts walking further away.

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