Chapter 24😈 More Than One Guest

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Previously on Secret Class of the Elite...
     The monster places his skeleton hand down to the floor for Dominic to climb up on. The ginger looks up at him before climbing on and holding onto his thumb. Veronique smiles as she puts Raphael in his cuffs. "Gotcha~", she cooed in a sickening sweet voice.

"Dominic & Veronique have passed the practical exam!"

The two teens smile widely as they look over at the male who was now Malachi, due to his eyes being its normal light hazel color again. "I'm proud of you guys", he gushes. "We're proud of ourselves too", the teens say in unison.

 "We're proud of ourselves too", the teens say in unison

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    Everyone had finally finished their exams. A few didn't make it, which made Veronique and Ollie hold in their giggles while Sierra told them to not laugh because it wasn't funny. Earlier, Midoriya and Bakugou were taken to Recovery Girl so they could be healed and well-rested. "Hey Mr. Grimm,", Dominic calls out, "I'm gonna go and check on Midoriya and Bakugou. Don't wait up for me." Hugo and Sierra look at each other in disbelief, "is the Dominic Alexander becoming a soft-hearted bastard", Hugo asks.

"Shut the fuck up or I'm throwing you off the balcony when I get home", Dominic sneers as he starts walking off.


      "Oh. Why hello there", Recovery Girl greets as the ginger walks into the nurse's office, "is something the matter? Or are you just checking in on these two?"

"The second option", Dominic says. He walks past the short woman. Dominic sits on the edge of Bakugou's bed and looks over at Midoriya while switching his gaze over to the blonde sleeping next to him. "You're Isaac's student aren't you?"

Dominic looks over at Recovery Girl. "Yeah." Recovery Girl nods her head and smiles, "you and the others are quite lucky. Him and the other two are very loving and protective of you all." Dominic raises an eyebrow, "sounds to me like you're close to Mr. Grimm, Miss Ariel, and Malachi."

     Recovery Girl walks over to the ginger, "I wouldn't say close dearie. Miss Ariel and I just talk a lot when she gets the chance to come up and visit me. You all have quite the healer as well." Dominic nods his head, "yeah. She's cool."

    "Y-young Dominic?!" Dominic turns his attention to All Might...which to him...the hero seemed like an deflated balloon. "Hey All Might. How are you", he asks nonchalantly. "Wait! You don't seem alarmed by my form? Why is that?!"

The ginger shrugs, "well. When you pissed off Mr. Grimm with something one day...I don't know what...he said something about you being an inflatable ballon and even accidentally leaked out your secret when Hugo asked what he meant. So we all know. Like, all seven of us because Malachi and Miss Ariel confirmed it." All Might was dumbfounded and was about to talk again, but they heard someone stir awake.

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