Peridot looked at lapis saw that she had fear in her eyes 

"I t-thought I s-saw her m-my mom I s-saw her"

Lapis was shaking she was scared

"Wait you t-thought your mom was here it's okay she wasn't although I'm pretty sure the women saw you ran off and was kind of confused lapis no one was there your mom wasn't it's okay "

Lapis looked embarrassed "what if she comes to find me one day>.." lapis was getting parinoid and scared 

Peridot was confused and was starting to freak out too " It's gonna be okay lapis"

Lapis was having a literal panic attack " I don't care ! W-wait I'm sorry I'm so stupid I'm yelling at the only person that understands what I've been through being abused by there family and sister..."

Peridot was tearing up "I'm sorry lapis but that's not true I m-ean yes I was tecnicly abused but only by my mother and I didn't have a sister I had a father..."peridot felt hot tears down her face

Lapis was wide eyed and confused " wait what you had a father and no sister"lapis came closer 

Peridot spoke "I had a friend  her name was jasper she was my best friend I thought I could tell her anything..I told her that I was.. being abused at home and she ..she told my mother one was supposed to know  and she abused me again and dad tried to help but he..he got stabbed by my mom and she yelled at me because of it she blamed me about it she blamed me over and over and she was going to stab me and the police came they arrested her but before the police could talk to me I ran I ran and ran I ended up at Chrystal park slept there for the night and you can probably guess the rest..."peridot stopped crying and lapis was surprised

"Wait why have you kept that a secret ?"lapis was wanting answers

Peridot looked up " I thought they would send me to the police or adoption I don't know !"

"But I didn't want to tell you because you were so happy when you found out tha I peridot was like you and I didn't want to take that from you I'm sorry"peridot looked at lapis

Lapis took her hand out 

Peridot was expecting to get slapped but lapis hugged her and  peridot sobbed she stopped but she just wanted a hug...

11 minutes later

Steven and Connie haven't found them yet 

Lapis was holding peridot in her arms she let go 

"Peridot I don't care if you didn't think we were the same not in a bad way but I don't love you because of your backstory but because your yOu I love you..."

Peridot smiled they kissed and let go

Peridot spoke "but I'm still worried though what if my mom is let out of jail?"

"What if something bad happens!" Peridot yelled

lapis spoke " well what if something good happens!"

Peridot looked at lapis and smiled and snickers then laughed 

And soon enough they both started laughing and they fell on the ground 

"Should we go back"

"Heh yeah"

Things get a little strong so 😉 

They began to leave hand in hand and they were in there dorms in secret not letting anyone see them...

Lapis and peridot were in there dorm watching c.p.h when peridot had courage to say some words 

"H-hey lapis"

"Yes peridot?"

Lapis was facing directly towards peridot literally in front of peridots face 2 inches apart

Peridot spoke "I-I just wanted to say thanks for that talk before I-I love you"

Peridot and lapis blushed lapis spoke

"I love you too peri~"

She called me peri? 

Then out of no where lapis kissed peridot and a little more passionate then usual lapis put her hand on peridots face 

Peridot then followed the direction and peridot put her hand on lapis's other hand

They both embraced and then lapis sneakily slid her young to explore peridots mouth and peridot didn't mind she was surprised but enjoyed it peridot then did the same lapis then realized that they were standing up they were still embracing and peridot had her hands around lapis's neck and lapis picked up peridots legs around her waist and peridot was a little surprised

"lapis" Peridot was blushing and was still enjoying her so called feeling

"Peri~" lapis soon enough was lying down with peridot on her bed

They slowly kissed and lapis ruffled peridots hair peridots hands on lapis waist they both said in unison "I love you~"


SLAM! It was Connie again! 

"gUYS ! We thought you guys got lost we're sorry for whatever even happens but we hope that everything's okay we-???"

Connie watched as lapis and peridot fell off the bed and tried separating as if nothing happened

Connie smirked and said "Oh~ it's one of those moments ehhhh well then I'll leave and feel better~" she closed the door 

"Why are we always disturbed?"

Peridot looked at lapis 

"Should we lock the door next time?"

In unison "yup"


"Let's get some rest for tomorrow"peridot nodded and they both slept on the same bed sitting and cuddling I wonder what will happen next

HEY! It's me ! How was your day and I know things were just getting good but please don't hate on Connie plz!😝😝😝😝 !also keep in mind I upload every day!😃😃😃😄😄😄😁😁😁❤️

The 2 lone gems lapidot (au very emotional with words maybe 🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣😊😊😊जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें