Chapter 10

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Knight's pov

"I'm Annie" she said stretching her hand out for a shake,I eyed it looking over at Eden.

"I'm Knight" I said shaking her hand gleefully Eden still busy boring holes into her skull.

"This is my girlfriend Eden" in 3..2..1 she turned to look at me eyes wide I smiled smugly. Score! "Nice to meet you Eden" she said swinging on her heels.

"I like your style" I complimented making her blush."when d'you move here? I haven't seen you around" I ask reaching for her hair twirling it around my fingers, bitting my lip. "W–we moved her–e last night" she stuttered steping back.

She tangled her feet and went to fall but I grabbed her fast, Annie looking like she was gonna shit herself. "Something wrong Annie?" I whispered into her ears making sure to brush her lobes.

She shivered "n–no,w–why?" "Nothing" I said making her stand. "We have to get going ,it was nice meeting you Annie" I winked. "Let's go babe" I pulled Eden fast.

Once we were far from her sight and ear shot,I pulled Eden's hand before picking up a running pace.

I then pulled Eden through some houses then stopped. "What are you–" I put my hand over her mouth. I looked between the two houses we were at I opened a latch to an empty house pulling myself in Eden following.

"Why are we in here?" Eden whisperyelled. I ignored her and continued looking for Annie and like I had expected she did follow us and she's... She's sniffing around,the fuck?!

She stomped off angrily and we stayed there for a little while longer until I felt it was safe enough. We moved to the end of the wall on the other side and jumped down.

"How did you know she was following us?" Eden asked still looking behind like she expected Annie to jump out. "I don't know this kinda shit used to happen to me and Laura" I said laughing,I hope she doesn't notice im hiding something,something about 'Annie' and the wolf in my dream click together and what she was doing confirmed it.


"Who do you think she is?" I asked Eden while munching on the chips dipped in spiced tomato powder.

"I don't wanna know who she is I mean you threw her off that was so cool,will you date me?" Reigns asked still taking in everything Eden told him that happened.

I chuckled "I'll think about that" I said waving a chip in his direction. "I called your parents they said they'll be here tomorrow" we all nodded at the nanny.

Ever since I came here I only got one nightmare one of my problems solved now I'm left with one.

Eden is heaven sent. "Oooh my god stop staring at her I'm jelous" Reigns whinned making me blush,I was staring? "Knight dear why is your hand bleeding did you get hurt?" Lola asked,I looked at the sleeve of the shirt and it was soaked in blood... Again!

"I've had this thing for three fucking weeks now why is it still fresh?" I asked loudly now feeling the pain. This shit sucks ass!

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