The End

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Over the years I figured out that how hard I try and want a perfect life I just can't. I just want everyone to know your not perfect which makes everyone beautiful. I mean look at my life I am on the ride with my pack and we are living life as much as we can.

We learned through everything is that we had each other. And to think this all started cause of my rebel inside. Even though I grew up and soon might be starting my own family I still am my self.

I am married to the most perfect guy and I gave up a lot to be with him but it was so worth it. I love him he makes me feel happy and not afraid. Even though I can be crazy he never leaves my side.

Everyone grows up sometime and start families. And I guess this is the time we grow up.

Nikki POV

I believe if we never met each other and formed this pack and didn't go on all those crazy adventures then we wouldn't be who we are today. And it all happened cause of Ally being adventurous one day we became a family.

Alex POV

I am glad I ran into Ally at the airport and I got to meet her or I would still be in hiding and I wouldn't of met my mate. I wouldn't of had my sister by my side the whole way and I truly love her cause she tries to make what wrong right.

Dylan's pov

We all are one family that won't be broken apart. And if so we always will know we loved each other.

Ally she is my bad girl well she grown up and sometimes I miss us being teenagers and not having to worry. But I wouldn't trade a day to go back to be a teenager for a day I have now with her I love her smile and the way she knows me.

I am glad I met my mate, my girl, my love

The end

The alphas bad girlWhere stories live. Discover now