Chapter 8

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Ally's pov

I looked at the phone it was Jessica so I answered it and I did my male voice.

" hello ally?" She asked

"No it isn't" I said

" what have you done to her" she yelled

" haha omg you should of heard you" I said in my normal voice

" where are you?" She asked

" why would I tell you just so you can ruin my fun with your goodness?" I said

" well by now" I hung up the call wasn't even 30 seconds so they couldn't track me I knew all about that stuff it's not my first hide out.

Then my brother called so I answered

" it's nice to know my brother is working with them to" I said

" why leave?" He asked

" I don't want to be a luna I want to have I life and be myself" I said

" well have fun I know where you are I won't tell your mat" I cut him off cause the call was getting to the thirty second mark

That's when Lilly called

" I DONT WANT TO BE FOUND" I screamed and hung up

I ran up stairs and started to pack

" GUYS START PACKING" I scream and I got our extra passports in my dads office and his extra money and everyone was downstairs and we rode to the airport. We got our stuff and I handed them passports. We walked in and I got in line to buy tickets.

" can I have 6 tickets to Australia" I said

I got the tickets and the plane leaves at 1:00 and it was 12:15 perfect timing.

We got check and we made it to the airport sitting area I don't know what it is called. We gave them our bags and then we boarded the plane. I sat right next to Dylan and he held my hand cause I was scared.

" you know you have to go back sooner or later" he said

" or I can be the rebel I am and be myself and not be controlled" I said

"You know he is going to mate with someone else" he said

"Then I have you" I said he just smiled and I laid my head on his shoulder

Then the airplane took off and I don't regret leaving one bit.

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