★✩ Mr.Parker will see you ✩★

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Don't forget to change your background to black for a setting in mood🖤⚔️

Your POV

Great. The day I have plans with one of my best friends, my roommate is sick so I have to go in for a interview with her.

I don't even know who I'm interviewing. Nice Y/n...nice.

"Y/n are you sure you ready? You don't have to do it if you don't want to." In her words that meant, Please please! Y/n do it!.

"It's okay Jess. I'll be fine. You wrote down the questions and everything. Just one question." I announced, "Who am I interviewing?" Jess, my roommate, face palmed herself.

"Only one of the richest men alive!" pfft exaggerated. I rolled my eyes. "Look this is important Y/n. You have to get every single detail! Okay?" I nodded

"Yeah yeah. Love you!" I said as I was about to walk out the door.

"Oh! And don't forget to ask him if he's gay! The public must know that!" She said as I closed the behind. I pulled my keys out of my purse and plunged them into the car door key hole. I got inside the car and pulled off. The entire ride I was talking to myself practicing for my interview. Jess notified me that he was quite attractive but that's not why I was nervous. He's a millionaire! No doubt he's some stuck up rich bitch. I was nervous because if he were to say something dickish I would pop off the mouth immediately. Then Jess would hate me for not getting the interview she wanted.

My thoughts continuously rushed over me and before I knew it, I was right there. In front of Parker's Industries. But no sweat though right?


But as much has I hated it, I needed to do this for Jess. So I did. "You got this Y/n" I took a deep breath and got out of my car. I walked into the expensive building to view many professional people. The women had tight black skirts and high up-do buns. The guys wore black tuxedos like they do in Men in Black, with dress shoes and slick hairstyles.

I looked like the most unprofessional person ever. I wore a blue knitted sweater with a floral oxford button down. To top it off with a navy blue skirt. It was a shade darker than my sweater but it still matched.

I walked over to the shine elevator doors where a map appeared. I looked for Mr.Parker's office and It stated the top floor. I got in the elevator along with many other people who worked in the industry. They gave me a judging look about my outfit but I didn't crack. I just smiled and stayed quiet. Then the doors opened the floor. Everything was either silver, white, or really expensive. My eyes were virgins to this kind of stuff.

"Hello?" The lady at the front desk asked me. Snapping from my trances.

"Huh?" I questioned

"I said how may I help you?" She said in a welcoming tone. Finally someone who isn't judgement here.

"Uh- I have an appointment with Mr.Parker." I replied. She nodded and logged into the computer to make sure everything was correct.

"Jessica Lang? Is it?" She questioned. I shook my head no.

"Jessica couldn't make it so she sent me." I stated and she went back into the data base.

"Ah, I see. Right here it says she called in sick and sent a Y/n y/l/n?" I nodded

"That's me"

"Okay follow me." She said before standing up and leading me to Mr.Parker's office. It wasn't quite far. She knocked his office door, well I assume it's his.

"Come in!" a muffled voice came for the other side. She pushed the door open and said, "Mr.Parker your interview" She said pushing me in slightly. Me being my clumsy self, I tripped. My papers slipped out of my grasp. Then, the lady helped me pick them up. Then the handsome Mr.Parker helped me to my feet.

Wow- he looks so hot.

"Thank you" I muttered to her as she closed the door behind me. I stood there looking at the handsome man in front of me.

"You can sit there if you'd like" he said as he walked around his desk to sit in his spiny chair. I took him up on that offer and sat down in the chair across from him.

"Hi I'm-." I started before beginning interrupted by the door opening.

"Mr.Parker, Jonathan wanted to know if you still wanted to continue with the meeting?" A blonde beauty, no doubt, said.

"Cancel all my meetings today Ms.Chanel." He said not breaking away from my eyes. Blood rushed to my cheeks, turning them to a crimson red. The door closed and he motioned me to continue.

"Um- I'm Y/n" I said, "I'll be interviewing you today since my room- Ms.Lang couldn't be here." I pulled some loose hair that fell from my, not so very tight, ponytail. As I looked through my notebook for an empty page to write on. Then, I looked for a pencil on the side of my notebook and on my lap, but found nothing. I looked over to Mr.Parkers desk and he had plenty. I looked into his eyes for consent as he watched me.

"Here" He said as he handed me a pencil that said PI, standing for Parker Industries. I assume. I kindly thank him for the pencil and begin the interview.

"Okay, First question, How does this industry help others in need? What wellness is this industry doing?" I asked

"I've just recently been out of the country to help children out in africa." He stated. Modest.

"Yes, but what exactly did you do?" I said resisting to roll my eyes.

"We build homes for most. Gave them food and water." He said folding his hands.

"Right." I said giving a quick smile before looking back at the notes Jessica has written. "What are the future plans for this industry?" I asked.

"We have many big plans but i'm not ready to release that information." Liar.

"Understood." I looked back down at the notes peeking at 1 of 2 questions left. "Do you plan on making the industry bigger?" He didn't reply he just put a finger over his...soft pink fluffy-ish lips. So kissable- ANYWAY.

"Big plans sweetheart." He said

"Got it." I said looking back down. "Are you gay?" I blurted out.

"Um- No I'm not gay.." He looked genuinely confused. Then the slightest chuckle slipped past his lips. Making me smile in an instant

"Oh uh- sorry Jess wanted me to ask that. I think i'm ready to go." I said rubbing my hands on my thighs. I got up and walked over to the door.

"I'll walk you out" He said as he followed me out. Once we were in the elevator he began talking to me again. "May I have your number to contact you for another interview." He said holding his hands in front of him.

"Actually Jessica is the interviewer. This was just a one time thing." I said as the doors opened. I walked out into the lobby and out of the doors. Funny thing is he was still following me.

"I wanna take you out for coffee" He said demandingly. I just giggled.

"If you can find me then sure." I got into my car and drove off. Even if he couldn't find me I would come back. I don't know why...

He had that pulse


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