Chapter 2

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Dawn has updated her status- I'M TORN!


Serena: Huh?

Misty: What do you mean, Dawn?

Kenny: Yeah, what's wrong Deedee?

Dawn: Don't call me that

Brock: Dawn... do you like....him?

Dawn: ..... Noooo.

Brock: Oh no!

Ash: What's wrong, Dawn?

Paul: The only reason I care is because it's making Ketchum upset.

Ash: Can it Paul.

May: Well she's obviously torn between Ash and some other guy.

Brock: Its Paul.

Everyone: 0_0

Paul: I don't care.


Max has liked Bonnie's picture~


May: Max, it was just a picture of her Dedene.

Max: So? Maybe I think her Dedene is cute.

Bonnie: That's because Dedene is SUPER cute!

Clemont: Ugh Bonnie....

Bonnie: Yes big brother?

Clemont: Get a life


Pikachu has updated his status- Pika Pika ( Life is good)


Piplup: PiplUP ( Yeah man)

Buneary: Bun, BunEARY ( Why are we talking like this?)

Fennikin: FenniKIn ( What do you mean?)

Buneary: Bun, Bun, Buneary ( The humans are gone)

Pikachu: Thank magikarp, that was getting annoying

Magikarp: KARP!!


Magikarp has changed his name to Gyrados~


Pikachu: Look who finally evolved!

Milotic: Hooray!

Gyrados: What made you guys think that I evolved?

Pikachu: Mostly the hat. Are you sure?

Buneary: Wtf Pikachu?

Pikachu: Maybe hats will be our always...

Milotic: 0_0

Pikachu: Maybe this year I won't be sad on Christmas...

Mrs. Mr. Mime: Haha what am I?

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