"What are you doing here?" Ariel asked him, noticing that James and Tyler were with him also.

Kayden let out a dramatic gasp. "What do you mean? I'm here for you of course" he said with a smile.

Ariel couldn't help but smile at his words, even if he was just saying it for the bet.

"How did you even know I was here?" Ariel then asked him, realising she hadn't told him that she was going to the beach.

Kayden, James and Tyler turned their heads in Rue's direction and the girls did the same, only their expression was one of disbelief.

"Sorry Ariel" she replied, looking guilty. "James called me, and whilst talking to him I accidentally let it slip that we were going to the beach this weekend" she said.

Before Ariel could reply to her, James cut in. "Damn Rue, you're looking fine" he said, looking Rue up and down.

She did look great in her neon green bikini.

"Shame I can't say the same about you" Rue then retorted, giving him a sweet smile, causing Tyler to laugh and James to smack the back of his head.

Kayden ignored that, and kept his focus on Ariel. "I'm a little hurt you didn't extend the invite to me" he said.

"Uh, I d-didn't think you would want t-to come" Ariel said nervously, unsure of how to reply.

The sight of a vest-clad Kayden was causing butterflies in her her stomach, to flutter about as if they were high on something.

Kayden dramatically put his hands towards the left side of his chest. "Ouch Ariel, that really stings" he pouted.

Ariel then raised an eyebrow at him. "Was that a jellyfish pun?" She asked him, and he smiled.

She saw the way his blue twinkling with amusement. To her, they almost looked the same shade of blue as the sky right now. Ariel had her mother's eyes, like a forrest green, which also did not help the Little Mermaid comparisons.

"It wasn't meant to be, but now it is" Kayden laughed and Ariel threw some sand at him.

Raina, who was laying down and sunbathing, then propped herself up on her elbows, lifting up her shades.

"If you lot are going to be here, you better stay out of my 'don't fück with me zone'" she told the boys and they nodded immediately.

Kayden then walked away, not before giving Ariel a wink.


Raina watched Ariel run as Kayden chased her, and she couldn't help smile at them.

She was worried for Ariel, not because she didn't trust Kayden, but more so because she was concerned that her heart would be the one to hurt if something were to happen. Raina assumes that for Kayden, this was all fun and games, but she knew that was the case for Ariel.

In these sort of situations, Raina was convinced that it was inevitable for the girl to be the one to get hurt.

Ariel was like a little sister to Raina, and she knew Ariel was strong, but Raina just couldn't help but be protective.

Raina was trying her best to enjoy her day at the beach, despite knowing at some point Damon was going to come, and most likely her mood would change for she worst if he were to say something stupid to her.

She had the chance to wear her new red bikini, and Raina was pretty certain she looked hot as hell, especially judging by the looks she was getting from some people.

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