Chapter 4~ With Tooth and Claw

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          "No. He's gonna end up getting himself and the rest of us killed." Wite nodded his head towards Smidge and they both watched him with disdain as he twirled his sword about in his hands. "He never takes anything seriously."

          "I know. That's the problem with him." She inhaled a deep breath and trotted forward.

          "Where are you going?" Wite called after her.

          "I'm gonna talk some sense into that arrogant idiot." She didn't turn around although she could feel Wite's gaze burning into her back. He was probably against her idea, but she had to try. "Smidge!"

          He turned to yawn in her face. She wrinkled her nose. Lord! His breath could knock someone unconscious! "Ee-yes?"

          "You're going to get us all killed! Why in hell aren't you paying attention to your post. You're the leader, you're suppose to be watching out for an ambush. Trace should be in charge instead."

          "Oh please," he just waved her off. "Scared of a couple of woodland creatures? What's out here to be afraid of?"

          "How.. how about them for a start?"

          Evelyn wheeled about when the haunting howls broke through the air. Wolves lined the edge of the forest. There were dozens of them, each a bristling body of tooth and claw. They wove in and out among the trees and leapt up from behind boulders or stood at the top of the valley walls. Wite and Trace backed up to join her, and all four of them drew their weapons.

          The beasts snarled, and the largest, a massive grey wolf, charged out of the undergrowth to stand in the center of the path. The others started to slink into place beside it.

          Her eyes widened in shock. There's so many of them!

          "We can't fight them all!" Smidge's terrified voice rang out, but she barely heard him. Her own terror had shut out everything else.

          Wite raised his shield. "What do we do?"

          The leading wolf settled back on its haunches, its eyes glinting, and gave a deafening howl.

          Instantly the other wolves charged forward and swept towards the patrol.

          Evelyn screamed as a large heavy body slammed into her and sent her sprawling onto her back. Teeth snapped at her and a jaw clamped shut around her leg. She thrashed her sword around in desperation, crying out as the teeth bit into her armor. Sharp pain laced up her leg, then her blade made contact with the wolf's body and it let go with a yelp. Warm sticky liquid pooled over her leg as she stood up. The others were struggling nearby.

          Wite crashed into several wolves and battered them aside with his shield, while Trace fended off three more with quick, measured jabs. Smidge was nowhere to be found, but Evelyn barely had a moment to look for him before two wolves peeled off to charge at her.

          She dodged and jumped forward at the nearest wolf, but it outpaced her quickly. It was behind her before she even stumbled to a stop. She whirled about just as one of the creatures leapt at her, its claws snagging her clothes. Her sword smashed against its side with enough force that its spine snapped with a loud crack. Its body tumbled to the left from her blow and took out the other wolf. Evelyn ran forward while it struggled to get up, and drove her sword straight through its skull. Blood pooled across the ground in crimson streams.

          In fury, several more wolves closed in around her and she backed away in fear. There was too many of them. Even as she braved a quick glance at the way they'd come, she could see several more lean, ragged bodies racing down the slope, howling with hunger.

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