"Raina, you and I are going to go distract the hosts. Brody? You will distract the guards. Cale? You're going to go back to the car to "get your phone" in no more than ten minutes. In that time, you need to hotwire the Porsche and Maserati parked in the hidden garage to the left of the mansion. The Ezekiels are going to try and escape, but our backup will be here by then."

Ziva's voice cut off from the earpiece and everyone started their duties.

Diego glanced at his smartwatch, watching as Kai snuck into the room successfully and closed the door. He switched the view so he could see what was happening inside the room. Kai opened the appropriate drawer and the USB flash drives were there. He quickly grabbed as many as he could and shoved them into the compartment on the back of his tie.

He was getting ready to leave when he heard voices outside of the door. He assessed his options and hopped into the small closet in the corner of the room, leaving the door slightly opened. Kai turned on his flashlight as he looked around at all the files that surrounded him.

Kai glanced up as he saw a file with the name Flores written in all caps. He wasn't stupid and knew that was referring to his father's business. However, he let it go because that's not what they were in there for. As the voices got closer, he crouched into the corner of the small closet.

"Mr. Ezekiel? What's this room right here?" Steps entered the office that Kai was in. Kai's face perked through the closet when he heard Raina's familiar voice flirting with the old man. He raised an eyebrow when Raina giggled. She had led Mr. Ezekiel on in the weeks prior for that very moment.

"Oh, this is nothing. This is just my office. Have a look around." Kai gagged silently from the closet. This man was almost sixty years old and it was obvious about how he felt about the young brunette. Kai realized that the women were doing the world a favor by destroying this man's reputation.

Raina pretended to amble around, but she had seen that room at least fifty times before. Perks of having access to hidden cameras everywhere. She finally came across the small closet. She already knew Kai was in there and didn't glance in that general direction. She grabbed a file and brought it to Mr. Ezekiel, asking him what it was.

"Oh this old thing? This is just some information on one of my business associates. Why don't you put that back where you found it and we can have some fun out here." Raina threw him a nodded and put the file back. She closed the closet door firmly.

Kai grabbed the file that Raina expressed interest in and took pictures with it, covering the flash with his body as best as he could. Kai felt as though the girls would need the information inside of it later.

"Kai, get your ass out the closet and help Raina. The guards are about to storm in. Mr. Ezekiel called backup with a button under his desk." Diego sounded a bit nervous and Ziva rolled her eyes. Ziva knew Raina could fight the guards on her own, but she thought Diego's panic was hysterical.

Somewhere in a garage nearby, Cale was hotwiring his second car of the night. He almost felt bad for wrecking the beauty's insides, but he was just following directions. The garage door opened and a man about his age walked through, speaking harshly on the phone. Cale was quick to slink himself to the bottom, away from sight.

"They're here, I know the're here. Bring more guards, now." Cale could faintly hear the man in the garage pacing. As soon as the person on the other side of the receiver answered, the man walked away and Cale was left in silence. He was quick to inform the rest of the unwanted attention they had warranted.

"Ugh, now we have to rush. Brody, you and Winslet will get on the roof and start shooting at the guards that are going to arrive. There is a tool shed up there, but it is full of artillery. Diego, dismantle the camera system and delete all footage from the party. Cale, meet me upstairs."

Winslet and Brody sat on the rooftop together, shooting at the guards who were arriving. Winslet took care of those on the north and east wing and Brody took care of the south and west. Together, they were unstoppable.

Until, four cars of ten guards each entered the picture.

"Ziva! Too many guards! Where's our backup?" Winslet was not worried, but she knew that her and Brody wouldn't be able to get all of them in time as more arrived.

"Stuck in traffic, there was a crash on Main Street. We're going to have to take this one on for ourselves." Cale and Ziva rushed to the top, trying to assist the pair, but it was too much for them.

Just as three more guard vehicles rolled down the street, Brody knew it was over for them. He didn't know how the other two girls were still indifferent as if this were an everyday occurance.

A black Tesla drove down the street and neatly parked in front of the house.

Out of it stepped a black haired woman wearing nothing but black clothes. She looked up at the rooftop and stuck up her middle finger, causing Ziva to laugh and Winslet to crack a smile.

"That's your backup?" Brody liked that they weren't stressed, but unlike them, he actually wanted to live to see another day. The others shrugged as he realized why the woman in black was their backup.

The guards dropped, one by one, as the girl shot each of them down. She had two guns on her yet only had to reload twice. She pushed her way through, making sure all of the were down before making her way into the house.

Brody and Cale's jaws went slack. Being in a gang, they occasionally encountered violence, but that was something that they've never seen before. They looked again to see if it was a dream.

It wasn't.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Raina and Kai were fighting hand to hand combat with the guards that surrounded Ezekiel. They were almost through, until more of them entered the room. It was a never ending cycle by that point.

The guards began dropping to the floor and within thirty seconds, everyone except Raina, Kai, and Mr. Ezekiel. Kai tried to see who had killed all of the men, but nobody was standing at the door.

Diego was downstairs, deleting all of the camera footage from the night. He also figured out how to delete the camera footage from the restaurant they were at earlier.

Everyone on the roof made their ways towards Ziva's car, which was still parked in the middle of the street. Raina and Kai locked Mr. Ezekiel in the closet before returning to their acquaintances.

As they got settled into the Jeep, the house burst into flames behind them. Nobody from the party seemed to escape as the white mansion was engulfed.

"Is your friend alright?" Brody was worried for the black haired woman he had seen from afar. She had saved them from a lot of trouble and he was grateful towards her.

"Roddy? She'll be fine." Ziva laughed at the thought of Roddy even being touched. Roddy could have done this whole thing alone for sure. However, she was a busy woman with many commitments.

A scream was heard in the background as Mr. Ezekiel jumped to his death from the third story.

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