"Leave me alone" I groaned, covering my face with a pillow

"Stop being a coward and grow a pair. You know you have to face him sooner or later" I sat up

"I know Faye, but I'm nervous. How would he react when he sees me at the party? What if he hates me now?" Faye being her bubbly self rolled her eyes and started bouncing on my bed

"He won't hate you. All you have to do is tell him the truth, why you broke up with him. Besides, it's been eight years now, I doubt he even remembers what happened" the idea of Ash forgetting what we shared caused me to feel a pang in my heart

"I just hope everything goes well" I quickly got ready and went downstairs with Faye for breakfast.

Mom was up and about in preparing gifts we'll be taking to Ash's welcome party tonight. Yeah I'm a twenty-four year old who still leaves with her parents. Haha

"Oh sweetie, your breakfast is ready. After having it, you girls should get ready ok." She said tying her long black hair in a bun. Even at her early forties, she still looks vibrant and youthful. Sometimes I wish I took her good looks but, I looked more like my dad with blue eyes and brown hair.

"Ok mom" Faye and I went to the dinning to start Breakfast. Dad has probably gone to the office

"Zack just texted me and said that Ash just arrived in the country" my heart immediately skipped a beat

"Really? Is he home yet? Is he still at the airport? Oh my God. This Is really happening..." I started panicking

"Chill Dawn! He's not coming here. He's going to his parents house where the party will be held. Now eat up let's go get ready"

"I wonder if Zack is with him right now" I muttered. Zack is my Aunt Anastasia's son. He and Ash have been best friends ever since we were little. We all used to hang out together when we were younger.

After breakfast, Faye and I quickly went to get ready for the party which will be starting in the evening. Mom had gone to get ready as well.

I quickly picked out an outfit and took a hot bath. I let my hair flow down in it's natural waves as I started my makeup. I did a light makeup on my face which consisted of foundation, mascara, and lipgloss.

I didn't want to seem too desperate. I quickly wore my dress with Faye's help who was magically already dressed. Who said all girls took time to get ready?. My outfit consisted of a beige colored gown, which had a slit at the side. I finished the outfit with matching shoes.

"Damn girlll. Ash is going to have his mouth hanging open when he sees you in that dress" Faye commented

"You think so?" My palms were sweating

"Of course. Just relax" she stood beside me adding lipgloss to her lips.


By the time we all arrived, the party was already in full swing but Ash hasn't come out yet. I was getting anxious and impatient to see him already.

"Wow, dawn. You look gorgeous" Sabrina, Ash's younger sister who just started college complemented me

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" she blushed "um.... Sabrina?" She looked at me

"Yes?" I gulped and was about to ask her where Ash was when uncle Ethan and aunt Suzzy came to greet us.

They exchanged pleasantries and hugged Mom and dad. They have all been friends ever since they were younger.

"Dawn, you look stunning as always my darling" aunt Suzzy embraced me

"Thank you aunt" I hugged her back and went to uncle who I hugged as well

"Uncle ethan" he chuckled as I ran into his arms. He has always been like a second dad to me

"What's up kiddo" he pinched my cheek

"Uncle. I'm not a kid anymore" I whined and they all chuckled

"Ethan, you haven't visited us in awhile, I'm beginning to think you don't care about us anymore" mom pouted

"It's not like that sis. Work has been hectic. Tell her Daniel, you know how it is" uncle said

"Your work will lessen now that Ash is back. I'm sure he'll do a fine job in taking over your company" dad said

"You are right, I'm sure he'll lead our company to greater heights." Aunt and mom were busy gossiping as usual. Who would have thought this two women had a huge fight years ago with the way they are so close to each other now

"..... What do you say dawn" oops, I must have zoned out

"Sorry, what?" I asked

"I was asking if you have decided to join your father's company?" Uncle asked

"I don't know yet. I just graduated and I'm still thinking about it" I smiled and dad just rolled his eyes

"I'll get her to start working soon. It's time she stopped being a lazy ass" dad joked and I playfully hit his arm

"Alright everyone" aunt Suzzy called everyone's attention "it's time for you all to finally meet my son who has returned all the way from London" my heartbeat sped up.

I looked for Faye and saw her with Zack and Sabrina. I walked over to her and dragged her to a corner

"I don't think I can do this Faye" I whispered as I suddenly started feeling ill

"Relax Dawn. You got this. Deep breaths ok, I'm here with you" I gulped as she pulled me closer to where Zack and Sabrina were standing

"Are you alright Dawn?" Zack asked looking worried

"Yeah, she's fine" Faye said pulling me closer to her.

"Please a round of applause as I introduce you to my son, Ash" everyone started clapping as he came downstairs.

My eyes widened as I looked at him descending the stairs. I gulped hard, watching him smile as he came down. God help me, I thought.

Hi! Everyone.... welcome to the first chapter of His Undying Love. I know I said I would be starting it by next year but I just couldn't contain my enthusiasm and excitement. So I have decided to post chapters whenever I have the time. I hope you enjoy it

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