calling backup at IKEA

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There was a swift metal sound. Barely a second passed and the battle was already over, as Dream quickly reacted and stabbed a6d's gun, destroying it almost completely. He took out the sword from his gun and dropped what remained of a6d's weapon to his feet.

a6d: ok but how

skeppy: dude you totally cheated

Dream: how though??

skeppy: idk this place is clearly not normal so maybe time slowed down for you or something either way we're getting out of here

Dream: bold of you to assume the battle is over! i still gotta stabby stab a6d u kno

Bbh: w-what O_o

a6d: UH

skeppy: how about, you don't

Dream: haha no

As he pronounced these words, dream shoved his sword into a6d's direction. He managed to dodge it though, thanks to bbh's quick thinking who pulled him out of the way. There was clearly no chance of negotiation on the table, so they only had one option left: getting tf out of there.
So they ran, while Dream stayed in place, watching the trio get away. They ran far enough to loose him, but soon after he was right in front of them, almost as if he had teleported!

a6d: how the fuck


a6d: stfu

Dream: there are shortcuts in IKEA u kno. now that i work here i kind of know all of them lol

skeppy: what the heck dude we don't wanna fight shoo

Dream: lol no i get paid for this

Bbh: who even is the manager?!?

Dream: ur mom

a6d: way to show maturity

skeppy: guys it's over it's not like we could... go up... or something *wink wink*

Bbh: why are you winking >_>

skeppy: idk i just... think that going up... is a good idea *agresive winking*

a6d: ...oooOH YA

Bbh: i still don't get it???????

skeppy: ur so slow in the head

Bbh: heeEY :'(

a6d: follow me!!!

Dream: guys you do realize I've been standing here the entire time and have a perfect understanding of what are you trying to do

Bbh: good cuz I don't understand what we're trying to do <_<

a6d: stfu and follow me

The trio ran to the direction of a shelf and a6d helped both Bad and skeppy get up and grab it, afterwards climbing himself. They managed to get to the top of the shelf. They were able to spot Dream, still down on the floor, but knowing his new knowledge on IKEA, he could easily hunt them down, so they had to get a move on.

And so they ran from shelf to shelf, jumping if necessary to the direction of the exit. They knew how long the halls were, so they didn't expect to arrive anytime soon. Until they did. And were greeted by a wall. They ran the wrong direction. Lol.


Dream: ya i was gonna tell you that but i thought it was funnier to see your reaction when you got there lol

skeppy badboyhalo and a6d go to IKEA Where stories live. Discover now