a6d and technoblade commit arson at IKEA

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The floor opened, Skeppy and Bad fell, and it shut tight once again, leaving Technoblade and a6d alone at the surface of IKEA. There was a long silence; both of them had to process what just happened. So the floor swallowed their friends. Cool. Now what? Go search for them? They didn't know where they were, much less if they were alive or not.

Technoblade: Ok... So this is not looking good so far.

a6d: no, really????? i definitely didn't know that

Technoblade: Look buddy, I don't need your sarcasm right now, I'm trying to think how to get to them...

a6d: assuming they're alive

Technoblade: Wow, look at mister positivity over here.

a6d: im just saying, we should get prepared for the worse

Technoblade: ...You've been to IKEA before, haven't you?

a6d: ...why are you bringing this up out of nowhere? we have no time for this we have to get skep and bad back-

Technoblade: So you have.

a6d: ...how would you even know? not saying i have, im just wondering ok

Technoblade: Uh-huh... Well, for starters, you brought a gun.

a6d: i did not tho did i

Techno reached into his pockets and threw a6d's broken gun to the floor. He must've found it when they first descended from the rooftops to the spot where a6d was stabbed.

a6d: ok, ok, i see what youre saying, but we're in america, of course someone will bring a gun or two to america

Technoblade: Fair point, I guess I'll also ignore how you conveniently had food for the night, aka baguettes in your backpack.

a6d: im french, of course i have baguettes in my backpack

Technoblade: Wow you shot my whole argument down, I guess you didn't go to IKEA after all- wait a second. I'm still not done yet, am I? For you see, when we were on the rooftops last night, I checked your backpack while you were sleeping and guess what I found? A cat. Your cat, specifically.

a6d: well i-

Technoblade: Cats are well known trackers, especially when it comes to IKEA, according to recent studies. The only possible excuse you'd have for bringing it would be that you didn't want to leave him alone at your house, but both you and me know that's stupid, he's a cat of course he would be alright by his own.

a6d: ...

Technoblade: In other words, case closed.


Technoblade: Absolutely overjoyed.

a6d: yeah, yeah, whatever let's just get going ok we still need to find skep and bad ok

Technoblade: Sounds good to me. We're still not done with this conversation though.

a6d: oK I geT iT

Technoblade: There should be a door that leads downstairs somewhere. You know, emergency exits for people that work down in the basement and whatever. They fell down, so our best bet is to go down as well.

a6d: ok

They both walked near the walls, considering a door would be nearby them. After a couple of minutes, they finally found it. They opened it, making a loud creaking sound and being greeted by a huge set of stairs that led both upwards and downwards. They started to descend and checked every room they came across. Most of the rooms were empty, probably being once a place to store stuff. Techno had the idea to look for a computer room, somewhere that should be connected to all the cameras in the facility. So they searched. Luckily, it wasn't too far down. Who knows how long they would've walked if it was further down the stairs.
They entered, and admired the amount of monitors around them. IKEA really had eyes everywhere; even the most insignificant of places had a camera watching over it.

skeppy badboyhalo and a6d go to IKEA Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt