Chapter 3

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It was around seven and everyone in the Matthews house in Philadelphia was awake.
Of course Alan and Amy was expecting Maya but they had no idea how to face the sixteen year old girl.
They have heard something had happened but wasn't sure what it was.
They hear a car and go outside.
Shawn climbs out of the car and smiles.
He goes over to the passenger seat and open the door.
Amy could immediately see that she was abused.
But didn't want to say a lot.
They smiled at each other.

"Welcome Maya," Amy said and gave Maya a small hug.
"Thank you Mrs Matthews. And thank you for letting me stay here."
"Of course Honey. Let's get you settled in," Alan said and took Maya's suitcase from Shawn.
"Let's go in," Amy said.

"Let me show you where you're gonna stay," Amy said.
"Who did this to her?" Alan asked.
"A piece of rubbish. I can't let she go on like that. If Josh is here let she see him. She needs to have someone with her. I have to sort something out with Cory. Thanks Alan. It means a lot that she has a place to go to," Shawn said.
"Anytime. Why don't you go? We'll manage," Alan said and Shawn was gone.

Shawn left and instantly Alan picked up his phone.
Of course he knew that he wasn't going to get of it lightly but Josh had to know what was going on with Maya.

"Dad is everything okay?" Josh asked.
"No. I think you have to come to Philadelphia. Maya Hunter is here," Alan said.
"Why? I thought that Shawn would take care of his daughter," Josh said.
"Josh it looks like she is abused," Alan said and Josh went red.

The word abuse hasn't been said in years at that house but when it is said Josh knows that it isn't something lightly.
And with a girl like Maya it isn't something to joke about.

"What? You're not serious. Where is Shawn?" Josh asked.
"Dropped her off and said he has something to sort out with Cory."
"Lucas Friar. I am going to kill that kid. Okay. I'm on my way. I'll be there by lunch," Josh said and put the phone down.

He quickle packed a suitcase and threw it in his car.
He wanted to get to Philly as soon as he could but first he wanted to find out what did happen.
If Shawn had something to sort out with Cory that means Riley has something to do with it.
And he doesn't even want to think about it.

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