Joshua | Misunderstood Ring

Start from the beginning

You organize the living room first, then your room. You clean up your bedside table and all the trinkets you own, which Joshua always tells you to sort them out and just keep the ones you actually need. But you always tell him that you need all of them.

Then, after organizing all of your belongings, you spot an unfamiliar little navy blue box among your treasures. It certainly doesn't belong to you. And you wonder if it was Joshua's?

You pick the dainty little box and examine it. It's really pretty, with a white silky ribbon tied neatly around it. 

Curious as a cat, you open the box to see interesting items inside it. You see little print-out photos which you found out are pictures of you, little pastel colored paper birds you and Joshua made together on your first picnic at the beach, and some of your handmade little letters (who knew Shua secretly kept all of these?)

You smile at the sight. 

You trace your fingers over the memorable little things, smiling as you recall the stories behind every detail. 

You slowly put his small box back on the table as something shiny and silver piques your interest as the sunlight reflects on it and catches your eyes. You pick up the small and dainty circular object.

His ring? He didn't wear it today?

It's beautiful, with it's shiny and smooth silver coat. A  single rosemary stands in the middle. 

He often wears that ring, so it was a surprise he didn't wear it today. You never asked about the ring and why he seems to like it so much. And he never told you either, so you didn't bother to ask. You didn't want to be nosy. But if you were honest with yourself, you sometimes felt a little jealous. After all, the ring doesn't have anything to do with you.

Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the front door, causing you to accidentally drop Shua's ring and your phone out of surprise. You weren't expecting a guest today.

"Ugh," you say as you crouch down to pick up your phone (due to your clumsiness). You quickly grab your phone, forgetting one little detail. 

You go to the door and peek through the little round peeking hole to see a little girl scout holding a bunch of cookies in her arms, a cute smile on her face as she waits for you to open the door.


"Jagi," you hear Joshua call from your room later that evening. His footsteps are getting closer to the kitchen, where you're cooking up a delicious pasta dinner. 

"Hmm?" you respond, not leaving your eyes from the pot of tomato sauce sitting hot on the stove that you are stirring. If you took your eyes off of the pot of sauce, you'd end up burning it even before one minute passed. 

Yes, you're that clumsy.

He walks into the kitchen with a troubled face. 

"Sorry, Josh. I'm preparing the sauce for spaghetti. I can't leave it unattended or else it'll get burnt." you say to him.

He walks over to you and slightly frowns. "Have you seen my ring?"


You rack your brain for any rings. You turn off the stove and look at him when you remembered about his ring you saw earlier. "What's wrong with your ring?"

"It's not in my box. And I searched around our room but it's not there. I also checked the TV table but it's not there either." he says.

"I saw it when I was cleaning up earlier. It was on the bedside table near the bed. I thought you forgot to wear it on your way out for vocal practice." you tell him, wiping your hands on a wash cloth.   

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