Wanna Request?

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AN: Requests are closed at the moment. I need to work on previous requests I haven't finished writing. And I'm so sorry to those who have been waiting for your request to come out. I'll try to publish them soon.

Here's the chapter you guys have been waiting for!

If you guys have any requests on stories or little drabbles or a series, you can comment your requests here on this chapter (I'll leave a little 'Request Here!' slot down below) or just give me a message in my inbox.

BUT! There are conditions:

- Please be detailed on the story plot and how you want it to go.

(Like, don't just say, "I wanna request a story that has the boy defending her from a cockroach."

Like, what KIND of cockroach are we talking about here? A normal cockroach that looks like a date (palm fruit)? Or a super cockroach that has powers like Spiderman?)

Alright, that's one example up there.

- I don't take names for the girl leading role.

Sorry, I just like putting her as Y/N. And i'll make the female leading role anonymous (like in appearances. So anyone can picture her as themselves or their own character)

- One. Other. Simple. Detail.

Sorry, but


And I CAN'T make those kind of stories. I'd cringe at myself. And I just can't.

I'd like to keep myself (and my readers) pure and innocent. Lol.

But I do fluff :3

- I don't take boyxboy or girlxgirl. Even if it's not the lead roles.

- You can mention what age you want your character/the characters to be.

- And PLEASE be patient as I try to whip up your master plan idea.

It might take some time. I can't promise you when I'll be done writing your request. But I'll try my best ;)

- And imma try and keep the stories like normal lives. So, the boys won't be SEVENTEEN seventeen (but maybe a close and strong group of friends tho). But I might make exceptions.

But I do stuff like fantasy, normal life and other AUs.

I also do fluff, angst, action, comedy, horror, mystery, etc. You name it! ;)

~ And one more thing: PLEASE be PATIENT with your girl here coz sometimes my days are so hectic that I don't have time to write (even tho I want to) or I get the case of that writer's block :(

Again, I can't promise you when your request will be up and done but I WILL try my best. ;)

I hope you guys will be patient with me and be willing to wait. Even tho it might take years. (I'm just kidding) I'll try to whip your stories up as soon as I can. ;-;

Alright! I guess that's all.

Feel free to request... down below! 👇🏻


Luv you guys~ *throws carrot plushies around*

Seventeen Imagines! Requested By You ♡Where stories live. Discover now