part five

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Jungkook apologised after colliding into one of the actors as he was shifting a prop. He was about to continue his work when he heard a voice behind call out.

"Yein ah!"

Craning his head to see, his eyes followed the same actor he had just bumped into walk up to Yein. Watching their exchange, he wondered what they even had to talk about. Yein did have a friendly personality but she wasn't a social butterfly. Shrugging it off, he turned his focus back to his work.

However, as days and weeks went by, it became increasingly obvious that the guy had his eyes on Yein for he openly expressed it. Jungkook spotted them together more often – at the school bookshop, along the corridor, having lunch at the same table. If there was anything he could be thankful in such a situation, it was that the guy was never in their club room.

"So 8pm at the ddeokbokki stand?"

Yein snapped Jungkook out of his thoughts. He responded by staring at her blankly, having not followed the conversation. Understanding his expression, she heaved a sigh and repeated herself.

"I said, to celebrate your last day of college life, let's meet at 8pm at the ddeokbokki stand. The one along Han River. You remember which one right?"

"Ah, right. 8pm. Ddeokbokki stand. Got it."

"Then... I'll see you there," Yein said. Adding softly, she mumbled something that he couldn't catch.

Sending a look that expressed the fact that he didn't hear it and wanted her to repeat, she simply shook her head and bid farewell. Oblivious, Jungkook went back to packing his things. It was his last official day of school and he wanted to bring back as many things as he could.

Finally out of the club room lugging a large box with his things enclosed, Jungkook slowly walked along the corridors. Soon he wouldn't have the luxury of lessons or a place he could relax between breaks. School was done and dusted.

As he neared the meeting point, he thought about the delicious ddeokbokki he was going to have and grinned. He was looking forward to it when something caught his attention. Waiting at the stand was Yein. She wasn't alone. Seeing how she was all smiles with that guy, Jungkook suddenly felt a wave of anger.

He had a ton of questions but upset as he was, he turned and left.

"Mmm, it isn't as nice as that one eh?"

Jungkook looked to his left and nodded slowly. They were having ddeokbokki at a random stand they found along the street as they drove by. Since it was late, not many shops were still open and they had to settle for what was available.

"I really wonder what secret recipe they used," she pondered aloud.

"And what would you do if you found it out?" Jungkook made a face as he paid the seller for the ddeokbokki.

As she turned to begin walking down the street, Yein answered between her chews, "to make it, du-uh."

Offering to drive, Jungkook got into the driver's seat and belted up. Snuggling into the seat beside, Yein struggled with her seatbelt because her hands were occupied by the bowl of ddeokbokki. Having noticed it, Jungkook reached over and took the seatbelt from her and helped her secure it properly with a click.

It didn't occur to him then but when he was back home and thinking through what had happened, he was surprised that right there and then, he felt so comfortable with her. It didn't seem as though it was the first time in seven years they had met.

Following the GPS in the car that took them to Yein's home (which he immediately realised that it was still the same home), the car ride was rather quiet. Seeing how she licked every drop of ddeokbokki sauce from the bowl, Jungkook chuckled.

"You can always just go back to that stall and have their ddeokbokki, you know."

"I know." Yein stared blankly in front of her as the car slowed down to a stop in front of her house. "It was where I waited for hours at."

Jungkook froze in his seat. He wasn't expecting her to grace the topic.

"Why didn't you come?"

Turning sharply to face him, she continued, "I waited till I practically froze to death. And had to eat three bowls of ddeokbokki to keep myself warm!"

Avoiding her gaze, Jungkook bit his lower lip. "Sorry."

"Right, you should be sorry."

Releasing the seatbelt, Yein opened the door and prepared to exit the car. Following suit, Jungkook reached for his seatbelt to unclasp it when she stopped him.

"Cause it's late, take the car home."

Jungkook's eyes widened at her orders and stared at her in surprise. His first thought was that she was drunk but the alcohol from seven hours ago should have worn off.

Standing outside the car with the door ajar, Yein bent down so she could see his face.

"If you're really sorry then come by tomorrow--oh wait it's already tomorrow--come by later at six-thirty then." Pausing briefly, she then bid him, "see ya."

Closing the door with a gently thud, Jungkook watched at Yein went through the gate and disappeared into the house. Glancing around, he interlocked his fingers behind his neck. His heart started racing and he could feel the heat rush to his face and behind his ears.

"뭐지 / mwoji / What is this?!"

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