part two

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Jungkook let a small chuckle as he recalled the incident, thinking how much of an idiot he was back then. It didn't get unnoticed by his friend sitting across of him who immediately squinted at him.

"What's this? What were you thinking about?"

Nervously folding his lips in upon realising he was caught, he played it cool by shaking his head and picking up his glass of beer. Thankfully, he still had a little left to save him.

Now that his glass was empty, he raised his hand with the intention to call for the waiter. Right then, she happened to glance in his direction, catching sight of his raised hand. Jungkook felt his heart stop for a split second when their eyes unexpectedly made contact.

The college him would have dropped his gaze immediately out of shyness. But now, he was a man who could hold his gaze confidently even if he was shy (which in all honesty, he was, for he was somehow always kind of shy around her).

A nostalgic smile spread across Yein's face as she opened her palm to send a tiny wave. Struck, Jungkook could only nod in response before he was distracted by the waiter who walked into the frame, asking him what he wanted. By the time the guy walked away, she was back to being part of the conversations at her table.

He missed that.

He had reminisced of the times back then but now that he had seen that familiar smile and that familiar wave, he was missing it even more.

It was something that they exchanged every time they saw each other; at the cafeteria while lining up for food or looking for a place to sit; along the corridors while moving from class to class; after school at the bus stop. She would flash that smile and wave while he would reply with a nod and occasionally, a wave.

To the people around, it was like they were simply acquaintances; members of the same club. And it was true that that was all they ever exchanged in public. They weren't the kind who'd stop to chat like most friends would.

Even during club time or prop-making time. He'd do his and she'd do hers. He had his group of friends, she had hers.

It's like they weren't friends. It was the truth. Jungkook never felt like he could ever label them as friends. However, contrary to that, whenever they came together, they'd hit off like they've known each other since childhood.

No one ever knew they even interacted. It was like there was an unsaid secret which neither Jungkook nor Yein bothered to tell their own friends. Also, it wasn't something they decided through discussion. It just quietly turned out that way.

Jungkook was bidding his coursemates goodbye when his phone buzzed. Taking a look at it, a small half-a-smile formed on his face and he swiped it to reply. It was Yein who was asking about a certain prop progress.

She must already be at the club room.

They had begun exchanging messages more often purely due to the need brought up by their club duties. This production, Yein was holding the role of Assistant Director, under Jungkook.

Reaching the club room, he found her bustling about with her clipboard in hand, noting down the various progress of each stage prop.

The creaking sound of the opening door caused her to sharply twirl around on her toes to face him. With a bright smile and a large swing of her hand, she waved and greeted.

"Yo! You're here Jeon!"

"Yo." He gently closed the door behind him. "What time did you reach?"

"Oh, not that long ago." Yein shook her head. "A while before I texted you."

Jungkook nodded and hummed as he dropped his bag onto a nearby chair. He was trying hard not to stare at her for her hair was now a light shade of brown, looking almost blonde under the streams of sunlight that went past the curtains through the windows.

His efforts proved futile as she caught on and grinned widely. Pointing at her head, she piped cheerily, "surprised at this?"

Seeing her excited expression and animated gestures, something he only got to see when they were alone, he smiled.

"Yeah, when did this happen? I didn't see you around with that hair yesterday."

"Because I did it yesterday! After school."

"It suits you. Surprisingly."

Yein frowned at the latter half of his statement. "What do you mean by that?" She placed her hands on her waist and squinted at him.

Jungkook shrugged as he scanned her from head to toe. Tilting his head to the side, he answered nonchalantly, "well, just, you know. When girls go blonde they tend to look... more bitchy?"

She widened her eyes in anticipation because it sounded like he had more to say.

"And you just don't look as bitchy?"

"Excuse me?!" Yein's jaw dropped at his remark.

Rushing over, she attempted to tackle him; she lightly punched his right arm and grabbed it, intending to twist it behind his back. But being the stronger, and obviously bigger (and taller by a whole head), Jungkook easily stopped her, pushing her away at arm's length.

Seeing her up close affirmed his initial thoughts. The blonde hair suit her really well. It didn't make her look bitchy; not a single bit at all. Instead, it seemed to give her an air of bright energy, making her every move, especially her smile, glow like the sun.

He silently wondered why she decided to take on such a crazy colour, having thought she wouldn't be the kind who'd want to go blonde. Her personality was the kind who'd opt for subtle brown.

But then again, she can probably pull off any colour with her beautiful face and stature.

Sensing his distraction, Yein suddenly slipped out of his grasp and pounced on him, wrapping an arm around his neck. Engaged in a headlock, she ruffled his hair in triumph while he struggled to free himself.

This level of physical interaction was normal. Only when they were alone.

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