Chapter Eleven

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Virgil's POV

There's an apology I'd like to make to you who is safe in god's hands, in the end, I made a different choice and I did not avenge your death.

I'm sorry Patton, but I couldn't do it, I just couldn't, he reminded me of myself a long long time ago before I met you, it must of been so lonely and horrible losing everything like that.

He had already gone through enough pain and suffering, I didn't need to make it so much worse.

The only thing I could do is make him feel better, give him a place in this world, what kind of person would I be if I killed him with out a second thought?

All the work I put in to move on from Patton and find my own path would of been for nothing and I would of just become another senseless killer, like the old Remus.

I find it's much more helpful for the both of us if I help him, teaching him things is the only way I can make sure he learns to do better.

He even learned to cook, the man who couldn't do anything could now cook, clean and sew, it was almost like he was a regular peasant.

One particularly sunny after noon, we decided to have a picnic in the woods and since we were alone I decided to confess to him about how I followed him to the beach.

"Remus, I know the truth, I heard you in the confessional talking about what you did and as horrible as it is for me to say... I became so enraged I tried to attack you, I'm so sorry."

He looked disappointed "So you know my secret now?"

"Yes, but I won't tell a soul, you are trying to start over and it would be horrible for me to hold your past against you."

He gave me a smile to show that he forgave me and we spent the rest of our lunch discussing the whole situation further however, just when we were packing up to leave we saw rustling in the bushes and out popped a... horse?

Remus looked really happy to see it and hugged it screaming "Napoleon!" I chuckled a little "Do you know this horse?" I asked, only half serious.

"He was what I rode to escape the castle, I ended up selling him for food but I guess he ran off from the people I sold him to.".

He hopped on top of him and offered me a ride that I declined due to my clumsiness, everything seemed fine and I felt like I had finally came to peace with Patton's death, he might of been gone but he did teach me something incredibly important.

Sometimes, all you need to do to change a person's life around is reach out to them.

Remus's POV

After we got home Virgil went inside for a nap and I stayed outside with Napoleon to do my little ritual, I stepped into the water while Napoleon stayed on the shore.

Napoleon was the only thing still standing from when I was king, the palace was gone, Roman was dead and I was just a random citizen.

As I gazed at my reflection in the bottle, my mind began to wander back to my first few weeks on the streets, I was completely alone and I had no where to go, every time I would walk around I would always find some bard playing a song about the story of the evil king, books were published, paintings were made, plays were written, it was heart wrenching.

Sometimes I would even imagine what Roman would think of all of it, how offended he would get over all the depictions of me, his anger that they were telling the story wrong.

He might of been gone but he was still on my mind, I lost him but I would never forget him.

It hurt to be standing on this beach alone, the same beach I spent so many years of my childhood exploring and the same beach I had my first real conversation with Roman since he disappeared.

"You'll always have me, your highness, I will always be by your side."

I wish he hadn't kept that promise, he deserved so much better than to be mocked by thousands and publicly executed.

I finally put the bottle in the ocean and watched as it floated away, thinking even more about Roman until I started crying a little.

I choked on tears as I tried to sing, thinking about all the times he did things for me, I still remember the night he came back after killing Patton,
He ran into me on his way to go clean up and since I was frightened by the sight of him covered in blood he apologized for scaring me.

I didn't deserve some one like him, some one who cared about me like he did and put me first, no wonder I lost him.

My cry turned into a sob as I grew more and more emotional, my legs even began to tremble so much I fell on my hands and knees into the water.

"float along with the sea, glass bottle full of dreams, in the dark of the night bring a faint white gleam, towards the brink of the sky along with the waves, silently fading away."

I sobbed for a few more seconds silently before I noticed something odd,  In the reflection of the water I could see a figure right behind me on the shore.

He spoke in a familiar voice as if he was continuing the song "Some how in our next life if we ever meet again, let us play together once more, and be the best of friends...".

I instantly got up to see who it was but by the time I turned around, he was gone and all I could hear was the sound of humming that gradually grew fainter and fainter.

With out seeing his face, I knew who it was and I whispered the only response I could come up with.

"I'd like that a lot, Roman."

The end

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