Chapter One

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"Come on Romulus!" My brother yelled holding onto my hand and dragging me along to the beach.

Golden clouds and crashing waves would of usually been a peaceful thing and an absolute delight but Remus was dead set on getting there fast and had no qualms about possibly tearing off my arm for it.

"Remus, slow down please!" I pleaded out of breath as he finally stopped and let go of my hand, turning around to let out an annoyed groan.

"You're no fun, you slowpoke!" He said as he playfully stuck out his tounge at me, dismissing any of my claims that he needed to calm down by just insulting me.

"I'm not a slow poke." I mumbled, annoyed at his silly remark.

"Romulus is a slowpoke! Romulus is a slowpoke!" My brother knew just how to get under my skin didn't he? He always had a talent for making people annoyed.

Remus might of known how to perfectly annoy me, but I knew how to make him listen "Well, next time I'll just let you come to the beach by yourself, how about that?".

Remus's expression turned to one of shock and anger "No! Then it wouldn't be any fun!" he sounded like he was gonna throw a temper tantrum.
He turned around to ignore me crossing his arms and tapping his foot as if he was really fed up with me.

"You just want me to come along so you can torture me." I remarked, bluntly.

This seemed to make him a little happy as his sour expression turned to a small smirk "You know me so well...".
"We are twins aren't we?" I gave him a smile to show that there were no hard feelings about what just happened, looked down at the sand and started kicking it around, thinking of something to do.

"Wanna build a sandcastle?" Remus asked in sweeter tone than usual.
I thought about it for a moment but was interrupted by my rumbling stomach "That sounds fun but I'm kinda hungry, maybe we should eat our lunch first...".

"Oh, Okay." remus looked around for a place for us to sit before finally settling on a little log, barely big enough for the both of us to sit on.

As we sat down to eat our lunch I noticed something square and black shimmering concealed beneath the sand right next to us, curious, I leaned over to see what it was, Remus soon followed me as he was interested in what I was looking at.

It was a small black box, darker than the night but still shiny as if it was made out of some sort of marble, I grabbed it to inspect it but then it began to shake.

I threw it on the ground terrified and glanced to Remus who also looked scared.

Suddenly the box opened and out of the box crawled... something.

I think it was a he, it was hard to tell since it was glowing a bright white hue that was so strong I had to cover my eyes with my hand.

Was it an angel? Was it a ghost? I didn't know but as I shielded my eyes from the bright light I felt around to grab Remus's hand and clenched tight.
The glow eventually died down enough I could look at the creature and I couldn't help but speak to it.

"Umm...what are you?" I muttered, not really expecting an answer.

It spoke up in a clear and feminine tone which made me second guess my assumption it was male "I am Remy, but Sloth is what you may know me as, that feeling of laziness, the desire to never help, I am the sin that was so dangerous I had to be kept in there."
A demon? I clinged to Remus as I trembled with pure fear.

Growing uneasy and hoping to find a way to make it so the spirit wouldn't hurt us, I offered part of my snack to him as a piece offering.

The creature seemed surprised by this but then smirked at the kind gesture "Oh? A good-hearted child, how sweet, even a demon such as myself must admit that kindness like this is refreshing, thank you for the snack now, how do I repay you?" He said thinking to himself.

Remus and I looked to each other very confused as to what might happen next and if this was some sort of trick.

Suddenly he looked like he just had a genius idea "Ah, I know!" He got really close to my ear and whispered to me a secret.

A secret about the ocean and how if you wrote a wish on paper, put it in a bottle and give it to the sea one day the wish will come back to you and come true.
The demon then backed away from me and Remus, with a content smile on his face then disappeared back into the box as Remus turned to me.

"What did he say to you?" He questioned eagerly.

I hesitated telling him because telling a demons secret is probably not a good idea "It's...a secret." I muttered.

"Come on, Romulus! you can trust me I mean who can you trust more than your other half?" There wasn't much use in putting up a fight, when Remus wanted to know something he got to know something, I sighed "Well...okay, if you insist".

I told him the secret and he was absolutely amazed "We should try it, Ro!" he exclaimed, feeling incredibly giddy.

I paused for a moment but eventually agreed to do it, we began searching the beach for small glass bottles that were possibly littered and found two uncracked ones.

We used our napkins as the paper and a piece of charcoal we found to mark on the paper as we couldn't find an ink and quill, it looked terrible but it worked just fine.

We placed our bottles in the sea and watched them float away with the ocean.

"What did you wish for Remus?" I asked, turning my head away from the ocean to look in his eyes.

He smirked and snickered a little "A horse." I laughed, of course, he'd want something silly like that, he really was a sucker for material possessions.

"What did you wish for?" asked Remus to which I blushed feeling flustered and embarrassed "it's dumb...".

"I promise I won't laugh." I took a deep breath and hesitantly told him "It was...for you to always be happy, no matter what." I mumbled looking back out to the sea.

He looked shocked for a moment but then gave a sly smile "Wow, you're right, that is dumb." I was immediately disappointed that he thought it was as stupid as I did and that he didn't keep his promise.

"I mean why waste your wish on something you can do yourself, you already make me happy every day." He elbowed me and grabbed my hand.

I smiled back "Well, then my wish is to always be by your side." He giggled at that and we just stood there for a couple more moments, watching the waves until we noticed the sun going down.

"it's getting dark, we better go back home..." I sighed looking at the sunset across the horizon.

Remus looked a bit sad to go but then perked up when he thought of something "hey! Speaking of the sunset I just thought of something funny! you and I are like day and night!" I grinned "I suppose so, and together we make a beautiful twilight...".

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