Chapter Seven

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Author's note: hi, me again, warning that here is yet another long chapter and this one is super looong.

I was walking around the market place feeling very confused, Remus was never that specific when asking for food, in the confusion I bumped into a small boy with glasses, knocking them to the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" I said helping him up.

"It's fine are you lost?"

"Kinda do you know where the tomatoes are?"

"Yeah, they're over here." He walked me over to the tomatoes and grabbed one for me "I'm always pretty good when it comes to picking out ingredients so I can assure you I picked a good one." He winked.

"Thank you, whatever your name is..."

He giggled "It's Patton and your welcome...." his giggle was cute and tiny, the kinda giggle you'd expect to come from a small girl but somehow was just as endearing coming from a grown man.

"I know practically everybody who lives in this town, how come I haven't seen you before?" I questioned.

"I emigrated from Elphegort not too long ago so, that's probably why."

"Oh, a former citizen of Elphegort, how interesting! What's it like over there?" I asked.

"It was alright but I like Lucifenia better, the buildings are really tall and beautiful."

"Yeah, it's a really pretty country."

He glanced at my coat pocket and examined it closely "Hey, What does that symbol on your coat mean?" He asked curiously, pointing at me.

"it's part of my uniform for working at the castle."  I replied.

"Cool! I also work at a castle with my friend, Virgil."

"I guess we're both servants then."

We talked for a while and before I knew it, I had been standing there at the market making small talk with a stranger for an hour.

I guess I lost track of time, I couldn't help it, that guy seemed so alluring and magnetic, I couldn't stop myself from talking to him.

Hearing him talk made me feel weird, I had never really felt something like it before so, I deduced it had to be love or at least romantic attraction.

He was adorable, his thick-rimmed glasses and hazel eyes made him stand out but not so much it was obnoxious, he was sweet and a little daft, but that only made him cuter.

I never really thought much about love, I knew that I loved Remus and I knew that I loved my kingdom, but I didn't know I could love a stranger like I loved Patton.

I knew it was just a crush, something small and insignificant that would most likely never amount to anything but I couldn't help it, I fell for him head over heels.

After paying for my tomatoes and walking home, I mentioned the cute boy I met to some of the other household staff and after some insistence from a very bored Remus, I cloud gazed with him.

So I laid down on the grass looking up at the peaceful blue sky holding hands with Remus, just watching the clouds.

"That one looks like a heart!" I yelled, pointing to the sky.

"That one looks like a dog!" Remus smiled, also pointing "I like spending time with you Roman...".

"I do too your highness, you aren't what the public perceives you as, you are actually quite endearing once someone gets to know you."

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