Chapter Four

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Author's note: This chapter is really long, sorry :(

I approached the castle feeling incredibly nervous, it had been years since I even stood close to this place and all of a sudden I was gonna be living there again? It was enough to make even the bravest warriors stomaches queasy that's for sure.

Sir Picani had his arm wrapped around mine and lead me in to "introduce" me to King Remus as he had conducted business with him before and could easily get me to see him.

As I stepped inside I saw him standing right there, talking to some random countess, he had grown a thick mustache, his hair had gotten a bit grey from stress and was, of course, wearing incredibly fancy clothes including a shiny gold crown, it's amazing how much people can change over the years.

I slowly walked toward him, my knees practically shaking, I was so nervous, Sir Picani coughed to get Remus's attention to which he immediately noticed and rolled his eyes.

He gave a hand gesture to the countess that basically said "one moment please" and sashayed towards me and Picani.

"Ugh What is it now?" He said annoyed.

Picani bowed "This man would like to be a servant here your highness."

Remus looked at me skeptically "Alright, well is he good? I can't have just any old peasant working for me." "He knows a lot about housework and can cook very well.".

"How do you know this man?"
"I was a former friend of his father so I saw a lot of him working when I went to visit him." Remus thought for a moment before speaking up again.

"Ah I see...okay you can start right now." I was shocked "P-pardon?" "Uh uh uh d-d-d did I stutter!? I said you can start today." "It's just I didn't know it happened that fast and that I could immediately start.".

"Well, now you do!" He snapped at me then turned to Sir Picani "and as for're dismissed now go off, I have things to do with my new servant to get him aquatinted with me.".

"As you wish your highness." He gave me a thumbs up and waved goodbye as he exited the palace.

"So what's your name little servant boy?" "Roman." He seemed rather pleased by that "Ah, Roman well it's a pleasure to meet you.".

"The pleasure is all mine" I bowed, he smiled at me "So nice and full of manners too? I can already tell you and me are gonna get along wonderfully!" he looked down at the ground and for a moment before placing a hand on my shoulder and saying "tag, you're it." and dashing off.

After standing there in suprise for about two seconds I quickly followed and tagged him back before he tackled me.
"Be careful Roman, I could throw you in the dungeons if you don't let me win." He said as he giggled and I gave a small but kinda terrified smile since I honestly didn't know if he was serious.

Months passed and I got acquainted with serving my brother, everyone always told me how awful he treated people and how demanding he was but he didn't act like that towards me.

Yes he'd always ask for me to do something and some of those things were ridiculous but he never outright bullied me or anything, he acted a lot like how we did when we were kids.

One day Sir Picani came to visit me as we hadn't seen each other in a couple of months "Hello Roman how's servitude treating you?".

I gave him a smile "It's difficult but I manage." "Everything's been going pretty well for me and Janus, though he got in another fight." Janus was always getting in trouble, he was a bit of a drunk and when he wanted to hurt some body, he could definitely hurt somebody.

Servant Of Evil (Sanders Sides AU)Where stories live. Discover now