"Thanks. Looks good so far," Mark said, batting at Leon's hair, getting the man to pout at him. "How are the pledges doing?" he asked.

"Good enough to get move past base level," Leon stated, handing over plates to Mark, Kyle, and Lee, seeing that Brian had walked off to the alcohol station and was mixing up a light coke and rum. "If you'll excuse me," he drawled, heading towards the other male.

Mark looked around before looking at his empty plate. Lex raised an eyebrow. "Why is it every person that I know or come in contact is somehow gay, pan or some form of LGBTQ plus?" he asked, much to his boyfriend's amusement.

Day 2: 8/13/19

Prompt: Mist

It was kind of damp against the skin. Lingering in the air like fog, making it hard to see very far past their position. Alendra crossed her arms under her chest and stared at the gates. They were close to finding the bodies of those who had been removed from their graves. They knew that putting them back into their graves would mean that they would be free from the estate.

But currently, the rain was a fine mist that fell over the ghost town, and even into their city.

She sighed, tilting her head back, closing her eyes and hugging herself. "I hate this," she said to the sky, unable to stop herself. "I hate that they were hurt and that they are trapped. But we never did anything to them, so why are we stuck?" she whined.

"Because we stepped on the land and their curse went live. Juliana did say that they didn't want the innocents to be caught, but we had enough people for this to happen," Kyle said as he walked up to her. He was under a very large umbrella and stood next to her, making her shiver at the fact that her skin was wet in the wind without the shield of the mist.

"Yeah," she sighed, shaking her head. "Did we get the tarps up?" she asked, turning to the camp. Kyle nodded.

"Yep. I'm glad that Richard is such a paranoid bastard and brought all those cans of food," Alendra sighed. Her head tipped up to stare at the underside of the umbrella, watching the way the way the misting rain slid down the umbrella. "It's helped make all of our food stretch the way it has. How long have we been here?"

Kyle wrinkled his nose. "Nearly two weeks now. Richard is already typing up the information that we've found and is doing interviews. He wanted to talk to you about this last week."

"I'll send him my video diaries. I know that we've all been keeping them," Alendra said, smiling at her friend. "Come on. Let's head back to the campsite. I want a warm fire and some damn polish dogs. Maybe some of those chips that I brought for our last day here and the party we were going to throw for a job well done." She turned over to her friend and smiled. "I also want to find a quiet spot to cuddle with my girl in a two-person tent."

Richard gagged. "For a man so open to whatever makes you happy, I do not want to know what you and Maria get up to. No. Seriously. Don't tell me," he said. "I've spent so much damn time with you lot that I can't see you in any kind of fashion beyond siblings. Much less sexual."

Alendra cackled as she walked with her friend to the camp, finding that indeed the tarps had been draped in such a way as to protect the camp fire from the mist, the chairs surrounding the fire. She sat next to her lover and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Hi there."

"Feelin' better?" Maria asked. Alendra smiled and looked at her circle of friends.

"Yeah. Okay, we havin' these polish dogs or what?" she asked. Kyle laughed and held up the bag of polish dogs while Richard held up the buns and two-pronged forks.

Day 3: 8/13/2019

Prompt: Does she know about the baby?

"So." Lex looked at his ex-girlfriend and the woman who kept trying to pass off her child as his. Never mind that with a little research and digging, a person could learn the truth. "Does he know about our baby?" she asked, smirking.

Prompt Me, Prompt Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें