Chapter 6

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Previously in the last chapter

Everyone had finally settled into the beach house and Aizen had given everyone some errands to do. Kira, Grimmjow, Harribel and Ulquiorra have reached the market and is now on their way to getting barbeque supplies.

The End

"What in the bajeebuzz is that!"

I starred all starry eyed at this adorable looking pikachu lamp that one of the venders was selling. Sue me, it was cute.
I could hear Grimmjows overly exasperated sigh from behind me.

"Come on grimmjow! You can't be that big of a sour patch can you?"

I looked up at Grimmjow, eyebrow raised with a slight smirk. Grimmjow scoffed in return, looking forward like he was way too cool to even be seen around here.

"I'm not, you just find every fucking thing adorable"

I pouted after I heard that.
That's so rude... and most defintley true.
Grimmjow began to walk towards the meat department, which I subconsciously followed. I've honestly never seen anything like this. The crazy banners and colourful lanterns. It's really like a festival here and I'm seriously all for it.

"Give me 4 pounds of ribs and Italian sausage"

"You're not gonna get any steak?"

"The steak here is way too dry"

I scrunched my face up a bit.

"You've been here before?"

When I asked this I noticed grimmjow stiffen up quite a bit. Like he remembered something from long ago. I didn't have much time to grab a good look at his unusual behaviour before he answered me.

"A few"

He said simply before leaving the vender after paying for the meat.
I looked at Grimmjow as he walked away to another vender. Wonder why he was so strange there.

I quickly scurried that thought to the back of my mind. Not like it was my business anyways. I started to walk towards Grimmjow but before I could reach him something ridiculously shiny caught my attention towards the far right, And before I knew it, I was Infront of a fortune teller, ready to have my fortune told.

Grimmjows pov

I told the man what type of meat to give me. Specifically asking for the thickly cut pieces cause of how they screwed me over the last time. Little shits...

As I waited, I turned around to see where the she devil was, only to turn wide eyed as I watched her turn a corner that was, not exactly a few fucking steps away. I forgot about the meat and instantly speed walked towards her. This place isn't the safest of places as deceivingly fun as it may seem. And if Ulquiorra found out she got hurt... fuck... even I can admit when I can't take Ulquiorra on.

I finally turned the corner. My eyes like bolts, looking for the short girl. I finally spotted her, just a few venders down. A sigh of relief escaping my lips as I walked towards her.


I called out to her, but was weirdly... mesmerized by what was infront of me...

Kiras pov

I gave my palm to the fortune teller, with no question or hesitation. It was weird... Like I was drawn to it. I suddenly felt a strong presence behind me, but was too focused on what was happening in front of me to look behind.

"Ahhh, Good sir. Please, give me your hand. For this fortune can only be told with two in my wake"

I saw another hand come from behind me and instantly knew it was grimmjows. The fortune teller pulled grimmjows hand closer, resulting in him coming closer to my body. I could feel his body warmth... I felt... safe...

The fortune teller spoke. Tying a red string around Grimmjow and I's  wrists. Then held both our hands in his. Closing his eyes simultaneously.
Both Grimmjow and I were so engrossed in what this man was doing. Neither of us noticed how our hands were intertwined with one another's. The fortune teller sighed out and then spoke with such a soft tone.

"One day... One day you will see... The light that of which will shine brighter than no other. A light that will once at first repel, but then heal-
Love... sadness... deceivingly right... parallel to that of which was once evil, only good. You must fight. For the one you wish to seek will only be... The thing you feel the most of... love"

The fortune teller opened his eyes slowly, with the most genuine smile I had ever seen. I could tell, Grimmjow was as shaken up as me. I could feel his heartbeat on my back.
The emotion that had just poured straight through me...
Emotion that felt like it was still yet to come.

The fortune teller untied the string. I was finally able to move again. Quickly grabbing some money to pay him for the service, but as I did, the man stopped my hand and smiled at me again.

"On the house this one, the purity of love that I felt was more than enough"

I looked at him, as dumbfounded as can be. All I could muster up was a soft 'thank you'

Grimmjow and I both stepped back, as if almost simultaneously, And began to walk away.

I clutched my arm. That feeling still lingering a bit. I don't even know where to pin point it. Those emotions felt so strangely real and... right. I shook my head a bit and tried to get out of that daze.
I let out a huge and long sigh. Trying to break the ice within myself.

"Well that was intense!"

I cried out.
Grimmjow looked at me immediately like I was an idiot and scoffed.

"More like a waste of fucking time. I didnt' even know what he was saying"

I jabbed Grimmjow with my elbow and laughed. Come to think of it. Neither did I.

I saw Ulquiorra and harribel in the distance and instantly checked my phone for the time.
I quickly looked at the basket that Grimmjow was holding and saw that we had barely gotten anything! And Aizen wanted us back by 5!

"Grimmjow! Where's all the food?!"

Grimmjow looked at my frantic manner and then looked at the basket.

"You're the one that wanted to get their fortune told"

My eye twitched in annoyance. Mainly because I really felt stupid there.
I grabbed grimmjows hand and started dragging him through the market. This is gonna be the quickest 30 minutes of my life.


Done! Had to put an author's note. Wanted to know what you guys think of this chapter!? I really like how it turned out. Sorry for it being so short thou! XD there are a few future spoilers in there... 2 to be precise! Can you guys spot them? XD

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