Chapter 3

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Previously in the last chapter.

Kira met up with Ichigo at the library to do an assignment.
Once done she went to a store and saw her old best friend ulquiorra.
He offered a ride and grimmjow was also joining in the ride. Kira found out that Grimmjow is 21.

The end.

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late...

Those were just about the few words that kept repeating in my head.

1. I overslept.
2. I have me and Ichigos project.
3. If I don't hand it in, in the first period today... minor casualty. I'm dead.

I stuffed my bag with the things I needed, well the things that came into my head, then dashed downstairs, leaving my room in complete chaos. Mom is so gonna have me when I get back.
Before I left the house mom yelled.
"Kira! Don't be late today! We're  going to have a visiter!"

I left the house in a rush. Not bothering to answer mom, I heard her anyway. I wanted to ask who it was but my mind was to focused on getting to school.

I cannot be late. I just can't. That'll be half my grade down the drain if I am.

People were walking in the opposite direction as me so it made it even more difficult to dodge them all and make sure I don't bump into anyone.
But then I forgot about jinxing myself.

I rammed right into someone making the person fall backwards. My eyes were widened as I starred down at the victim. But I just couldn't be late.

"I am so sorry sir!"

I yelled as I carried on running towards my school.

The gates were finally coming into view. I'm so close, just one more road to cross.
I suddenly jerked to a stop as cars started zooming past me.
My mind was a buzz. I was anime crying, thinking all hope was lost. This is not good at all!

The green light finally came to pass and I ran across the road. The school doors being my next target.

I ran through the door just as the bell rang, giving me less than 2 minutes to get to class before Miss Unohaha locks the door.

The door was in sight and I could see that it was closing so I quickly put my foot in between the door and a wall so it wouldn't close making Miss Unohana open the door curiously and slightly chuckle at my just got out of bed look. She let me in making me sigh in complete relief. Once I entered I spotted Ichigo and saw that he as well looked like he just had the worst heart attack of his lifetime.

I scrambled over to my seat and fell into it as if it were a bed with a long, relieved sigh.

"You're so lucky Kira"

Ichigo said. I looked over to him and made a peace sign.

"I know right?"

Time skip to lunch

My eye twitched as keigo kept talking.... and talking.... and talking.....
Before I knew it Keigo had Ichigo in a solid head lock asking him why  he was ignoring him.

Shame. We're all ignoring him but he only goes for Ichigo.
Orihime started nudging me so I gave my attention towards her.

"Kira-Chan, would you like to come with us to the movies tonight?"
I smiled sadly, scratching the back of my head
"Sorry Hime, I can't make it. Someone's coming over tonight apparently"
Orihime gave me a sad but understanding look.
Tatsuki came to my other side now
"That's a shame. We were going to watch Eddie The eagle"
I sweat dropped at her bluntness.
"Gee tatsuki. Thanks for sparing my feelings hey. I really appreciate it"
She smiled showing all her teeth at me.

We all went up to the roof. Everyone sat down, taking out their lunches, but before I could even sit I felt someone pull the back of my shirt making me yelp in shock. I was getting dragged away from the group by now but no one seemed to care. Once I was on the other side of the roof the person let me go so I could turn around. A scowl plastered on my face.
I turned around ready to ask the hell and why but before I could,  Ichigo started rambling.

"There's this girl. I met her on my way home yesterday after you annoyingly said I shouldn't walk you home but yeah. She's really cute and I'm meeting up with her tomorrow"

I stood there dumbstruck, looking at Ichigos face. He dragged me here and interrupted my meal for that? After a few seconds of silence I finally spoke.

"What now?"

Ichigos eye twitched at my response. He dramatically started to wave his arms around in annoyance.
"I don't even know why I tell you anything!"
He scolded then started to walk away from me back to the group making me follow.
"Oi! Ichigo! I'm kidding! Wait uuuup!"

Time skip to after school

I waved bye to everyone since we were all parting ways now. I turned to the direction of my house and began walking. After 10 minutes I finally reached home and noticed a familiar car in our drive way. Who exactly came over now?
I walked over to the black Audi. Peeping through the window. Hey I need to investigate and make sure this person is not a serial killer. As I looked around the interior of the car my eyes widened at a specific something that caught my eye in the side compartment of the drivers seat.
After my mind fished through my brain for the memory, I darted towards my house. Hearing chatting from the inside. I opened the door and there indeed was my best friend sitting on the couch. I smiled wide as I closed the door.

"Maybe a heads up that the visitor was ulquiorra mom?"
She giggled at my words
"Well if I knew you saw him yesterday I would have"
I walked over to ulquiorra and took a seat next to him as mom was seated on the single couch on ulquiorras left.

"So kira, ulquiorra has politely offered you to go with him and his friends to a beach house off the coast for a week when holiday starts"

Mom said with so much joy in her voice.
My eyes widened at the thought but as fast as excitement crept into my body, so did annoyance.

"Wait, will grimmjow be there?"

I immediately asked ulquiorra before anything else. Yeah grimmjow saved me from practically dying... and I tried making friends, but I think I'm smart enough to know when someone has a don't care attitude and those type of people really piss me off.

"He will be, but kira it's a big house and a huge ocean, you don't have to encounter Grimmjow if you really tried and Grimmjow wouldn't bother with you either"

I sighed in contemplation.
I haven't seen ulquiorra in forever and saying that I miss him is really understating it. I shouldn't let some skank interrupt my reunion with him right?

I nodded my head in agreement and smiled widely at ulquiorra.

"To the beach house we shall go!"

Ulquiorra smiled his small smiles, that you'd have to know him for atleast 10 years to spot. Mom giggled in excitement and clapped her hands together.

"Well dear you are definitely staying for dinner! Come, I even made you your favourite"

Mom joyfully sprung out of the sofa and made her way to the kitchen. I laughed at her happiness and realized that I really missed the feeling that ulquiorra brought into our home. Now I get to spend an entire week with him. How great is that?

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