She hollers at the guys working with her that they're going to take a break. They just drop everything they're doing and shrug it off. Some of them leave and head outside, taking about having a smoke or getting a drink real quick.

"So what's up?" she asks me after Ellie leaves the building as well. I bite my lower lip again, obviously getting really nervous about this.

This wasn't a good idea. I just know it. Quinn already looks extremely unhappy about all of this and I'm keeping her from getting her place down.

"I just...wanted to talk to you..." I mumble. I hear her groan even louder in frustration.

"Kim. If you want to talk to me, then talk. I can't hear you if you continue to mumble under your breath like that." Quinn tells me with so much anger in her voice and frustrating. I gulp down the lump in my throat and face her again.

"Well I'm SORRY for being such an annoyance to you." I tell her as my confidence and stubbornness suddenly kicks in. She jumps back a little this time in shock before her expression changes and she squints her eyes at me.

"Really? You seriously think I find you fucking annoying? Kim, that's just dump." she fights back. I roll my eyes at her and cross my arms.

"Is that so? Well it sure feels like all I am to you is just some annoying little brat. You don't even TALK to me anymore! We live under the same fucking roof and you hardly even say more than five words to me on a daily basis now! That's fucking sad, Quinn." I tell her as my voice grows louder by the second.

"Well, if you hate it so much, then I'll just move out. Will that make you happy? As you can see, my place is coming along quickly now, I can get out of your hair by the end of next week, is that good with you? Or should I just go and get my stuff now and leave. Which is better?" she asks me with so much annoyance now.

I flinch a little. This wasn't how I wanted things to go. Sure I did think that this was a dumb idiot to come here and try to reason with her. But I don't want her to just leave like this. Not like this.


"The sooner the better Quinn. I can't put up with you and your shit anymore." I tell her. She huffs and rolls her eyes.

"Well then hot stuff, I think we've come to an agreement. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know I'm being kicked out." she says rather rudely. I glare at her and point my finger at her.

"I'M not kicking you out! You suggested it! I'm simply agreeing with you for once!" I tell her. She rolls her eyes and wacks my hand away from her face.

"Oh yeah that's right. You'll probably need the extra room for when the asshole comes back. Planning on asking her to move in with you? Is THAT it? Oh wait. No. You won't even NEED the guest room if she moves in. She'll move in right next to you in your bed." Quinn spats at me. I bite my lower lip, hard. I'm ignoring the soreness it's causing.

"Don't bring Logan up in this right now. She has NOTHING to do with this." I tell her. She laughs.

"Yeah right! Ever since she came back into town, you've been letting her get into your head. Now you're close to getting back with that jerk and you know what's gonna happen? She's gonna hurt you Kim. But fine. If you don't believe me, then just find out for yourself then." she tells me as she makes gestures with her arms in frustration.

"You don't know Logan. You don't have the right to talk trash about her." I tell her. She rolls her eyes again.

"Oh please. I know enough to know that she's not worthy of your time Kim. I'm not blind." she tells me as she walks away from me.

Her Forever and Always (F.F. Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now