5: tours and a dorm!

Start from the beginning

Crying of my face again 

The silent sound of  loneliness 

Wants to follow me to bed

Im a ghost of a girl that I want to be most 

I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well 

Dancing slowly in an empty room

Can the lonely take the place of you

I sing  myself a quiet lullaby 

Let you go and let the lonely in

Into my heart again

To afraid to go inside for the sake of one more loveless night

For the loneliness will stay with me

And hold me too I fall asleep

I'm a ghost of a girl that I want to be most 

I'm the shell of a girl that I used to know well

Dancing slowly in an empty room 

Can the lonely take the place of you 

I sing myself a quite lullaby 

Let you go and let the lonely in into my heart again

Broken pieces of  

A barely breathing story 

Where there ounce was love 

Lapis looked at <P> she looked back they continued with pink on there faces

Now there only me

And the lonely 

Dancing slowly in an empty room can the lonely take the place of you

I sing myself a quiet lullaby 

Let you go and let the lonely in

Into my heart again

Song over

Lapis and <P> looked at each other they grinned and <P> was going to put away the guitar when she paused and turned to lapis  who stood and <P> said

"Steven told me you were like me with our mothers and everything and running away"

Lapis was wide eyed and stared at <P> She already knows she thought

<P> spoke  "I thought no one was like me or at least been threw what I've been through"

Lapis looked at <P> there eyes met and they blushed nothing happens but <P> said

"It's peridot.." 

lapis looked at <P> or no peridot and was  surprised when she told her her name 

"Wait d-did you say peridot?"lapis spoke "yup I won't really tell someone my name unless I trust or can at least c-call them a friend is that okay lazuli" lapis was puzzled "did you call me lazuli you do know that's not my name I-it's lapis I just tell everyone to call me lapis because it's more formal but I prefer lapis is that okay?"

Peridot nodded

Cool she thought

They cleaned up and left the theater room and went to the last stop of the tour lapis's new dorm but when lapis looked inside it was 

Someone else was in here

"Am I going to have a roommate?"lapis looked at peridot

"Yup and well y-your looking at her I mean if you want if no I ca-"

Lapis smiled "your my roommate that's great I want to get to know you more so it's okay!" She was excited 

I think I could get used to this

They both thought

Stevens POV

"Should we tell them we were watching them the entire tour?"

Steven said looking at Connie

"Nah I wanna see what happens next!"

This is interesting.....

hey! Hope you guys enjoyed I know I said an all nighter but I will finish the next 2 chapters tomorrow! Alright thanks and have a good day see ya!😄😄😄😄

The 2 lone gems lapidot (au very emotional with words maybe 🥰🥰🥰🤣🤣🤣🤣😊😊😊Where stories live. Discover now