15. Second Date, First Kiss

Start from the beginning

Annabelle smiled and leant forward kissing his nose. Edward chuckled and asked, “By the way, can I ask you something?”

Annabelle nodded and said, “Sure. I don’t mind.”

Edward took a deep breath and asked the one question that had been lingering on his mind since their date, “What do you feel towards me? Like without any past we had, what do you feel for me, right now?”

Annabelle was taken aback at his straight forwardness. She turned away from him and said, “I feel as if I have known you for years. You don’t seem like a person I met just a month ago. It’s like we’ve known each other for so long. You know my likes and dislikes even though I don’t remember sharing them with you. And the best of all, you like me for me. It’s like you know me inside out which makes me think that are you really just my boss or something more? I have these unknown feelings toward you. Whenever you touch me, I feel sparks however corny it may sound,” then turning to him, she added, “And you make me feel special as if you have eyes only for me. All these gestures from you make me think of only one thing. And that is I really like you. And...”

Edward was holding his breath, huskily he asked, “And?”

“And I think I’m falling for you,” it came out barely above a whisper but he heard it.

All sane thoughts of waiting flew out the window as Edward lost all control on himself and leant forward crushing his lips onto Annabelle’s welcoming ones. Annabelle didn’t take more than a second to react as she kissed him back with equal force.

Edward had waited for this moment for four years. For four years he hadn’t felt her lips on his, her soft skin matching his calloused one, and he took out all the patience and agony he had experienced all this time by pouring out his aggression into that one kiss. His hands went to her waist as he pulled her completely to him, leaving no amount of space between them.

Annabelle’s hands went to his soft hair as she tugged on them, earning a groan from Edward. She felt Edward’s tongue swipe on her lower lip, asking for entrance which she granted immediately opening to him. Their tongues met, fighting for dominance. Edward slowly eased her onto her back until she was lying on the bed, and broke the kiss, trailing kisses onto her neck, nipping and sucking lightly. At one point, he bit a little harder than what he intended to which resulted in a loud moan from Annabelle.

And all this while Annabelle could concentrate on only one thing, which was how it felt so right, being in Edward’s homely arms as he caressed her back, holding her to him tightly. It felt familiar. It felt...

‘Now how about that punishment of yours...’ Annabelle heard that voice inside her head. She gasped and jumped up holding her head.

‘...that was some kiss...’ she could remember that voice. Immediately an image started forming inside her mind, someone was holding a familiar looking girl and kissing her, somehow just like how she was kissing Edward right now.

She could faintly feel Edward worriedly shaking her to bring her out of the trance but she concentrated on the image which was more visible then ever right now.

Just a bit more clearer and she could see the faces of the couple. When she was about to see the faces of the two people in her mental image, she felt cold water on her face.

She shouted and started rubbing her face, and opened her eyes looking around.

“What the hell happened, Annabelle?” Edward’s worried voice rang in her ears.

She turned and looked at Edward holding a glass of water in his hands and holding her wrist with his other hand.

She leaped into his arms, knocking the glass of water from his hand as she hugged him to herself tightly. He was shocked beyond words as she breathed heavily into his arms shaking as if she was scared shitless.

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