Secret's out

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A couple of days later Jac was walking down the ward being pursued by a drug rep
"I have told you repeatedly Mr Benedict that you need to make an appointment to speak to me. I am an extremely busy woman"
"But Miss Naylor. Jac it will only take a minute. I can be very quick"
Jac snorted and rolled her eyes
"I have five minutes before theatre but you'll have to walk and talk"
"Yes, yes of course" he simpered
Urgh repulsive little man thought Jac. By the time he'd spoken to her about the latest drug he was peddling they were standing outside the scrub room in a deserted corridor.
"Time's up" Jac gestured towards the scrub room
"That's a shame. Maybe we could carry this on over dinner.. or a drink"
He had moved towards her and now she was backed against the wall
"What on earth would give you the idea that I would do that?"
"Oh come on Jac we've known each other for years"
"I fail to see the relevance and it's Ms Naylor"
He touched her arm
"Oh come on I'll show you a good time"
"Take your hand off me" she said with barely concealed anger
At that moment Fletch, Nicky and Kian appeared along the corridor sharing a joke
"And that's why he can't go to the zoo anymore" Nicky finished
Kian and Fletch laughed heartily but the laughter died on Fletch's lips when he saw Jac. He jogged over just as she finally pushed the drug rep off her
"Everything ok?"he asked eyeing the man
"She's frigid mate"
"She's my girlfriend 'mate' so sling your hook"
He looked incredulously between them
"You?" he pointed at Fletch "and her?" He gestured to Jac
"That's right" Jac stepped forward "this is my boyfriend Adrian and I believe he told you to sling your hook"
The man turned and left. Jac and Fletch looked round to see Kian and Nicky staring at them open mouthed
"Was that just to get of slime guy or is it true?" Kian asked
"It's true" they said simultaneously
"I knew it" Nicky mumbled under her breath, remembering a conversation she'd had with Frieda months ago
"Shall we get on" Jac said moving on to the scrub room
"You sly dog Fletch" Kian whispered
"I know" Fletch grinned
"Good luck with that mate"
"Thanks" chuckled Fletch
After surgery Jac and Fletch took lunch out to their bench
"Cat's out the bag then?" Fletch said
"Do you mind? It kind of just slipped out 'she's my girlfriend ' What a twat I am."
Jac laughed "well it was slightly cringeworthy 'boyfriend'"
"You're not mad?"
"It had to come out sometime Fletch. We can't hide it forever"
She laid her hand on his thigh "and if you like" she said in a low voice as she brought her lips near to his ear "if you have time later I'll remind you just how wrong he is about me being frigid" she playfully nipped his ear lobe and stroked his thigh lightly
"Christ Jac. I'm going to have to sit here for an extra 10 minutes to let this bad boy go down" he said gesturing to his erection
"I'll see you later then" she said getting up and heading back to the ward
"That's just mean Jac"
"I know"
When he walked back onto the ward it was clear that Nicky and Kian had wasted no time in telling everyone about Jac and Fletch judging by the whispering and sniggering going on.
He mischievously decided to add fuel to the fire and go and see Jac in her office
"Hi" he grinned
"Well this is not going to stop tongues from wagging Fletcher" she replied as he brazenly went round the desk to place a chaste kiss on her lips
"Oh let them wag"

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