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i got more time to write
this chapter so don't blame me
if it's short. highschool be shit/amazing

felix sits there, admiring
the two boys feeding each other.
at this point, changbin seemed jealous
that felix doesn't know that changlix is a cuter couple than those two horny fucks.
"they're cute. but you're cuter."

changbin says. felix just
jumps a little bit, and blushes.
"oho~ you tease" he says blushing
while giving a small peck on the boy's

"hey, since u 2 on this date.
jisung and i r gonna go
head on to OUR date."

minho tells the two, as
he grabs jisung's small
hands and walks out seeing
felix playing with changbin's hairs.

"let's head to arumara
park, hyung." minho
nods and then walks
to the designated park while
swinging their intertwined hands
back and forth playfully.

since jisung is a little
bit light weight and smaller,
he skips in his steps while
giggling at their cute movements
(they cute :< )


as the two head
to the park, minho
seems already prepared,
and takes out a baby blue white
checkerboarded blanket.

they place it out
on a small field of cute

as both of them sit
down at the same time,
minho pulls out a couple
of homemade food
from his backpack.

"ooo~ you made
all of this minmin?"
minho almost swooned over
how happy and cute
jisung just sounded there.
"yes, yes i did. just
for you baby boy."
he smiles.

he opens the boxes
slowly and carefully,
most of them closed due
to maybe bugs jumping
into them.

"they look amazing!"
"thank you"
at this time minho
knew how much he
needed to protect
him and treat him well.
not during sex ofc.

minho grabs some chopsticks
and shoves them up jisung's
ass- jk he puts them infront
of the latter's mouth and feeds him
"mmm~ so good!" jisung shouts
while he stores most of the food in his mouth.

"you're really a good
cook minho! no wonder
why a lot of people like you."
the younger compliments
and all minho did was nod.


"h-hey.." jisung
stammers. minho
hums in response.

minho starts packing
up and putting all
the finished boxes
into a bag he had.

"c..can we not-"

before jisung could
finish his sentence
minho surprises him
with a long deep kiss.

"sure, anything you want
baby boy" he winks.


hey freddie um- no u fuhing dum >:(

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