Chapter 6- Will

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SHIT. SHIT. SHIT! Will sat on Mike's bed, not knowing what to do. 

What were Mike and Nancy talking about? it felt like they had been there for hours on end. 

He sat on the bed, his eyes fixed on a small point on the furthest end of the room, feeling himself go into a panic attack. 

He quickly pulled himself together, trying very hard to even his breath. The first step to stopping a panic attack was recognizing he was having one, as he knew very well from all the ones  he used to have as a kid.
He didn't have one since he was 12, since that night he and Mike first kissed. 

He forgot how terrible it felt. Slowly, his body calmed, and just then Mike burst through the door and his heart started racing again.

"What did she say? did she tell your parents? is she going to? what-" Will started, rising up and pacing next to mike.

"Hey, Hey!" Mike said, catching him as he paced. The tall boy grabbed his waist and pulled him closer, so that he had no where to look but into Mike's beautiful brown eyes. 

"It's okay. We're just going to have to be a bit more careful, but we're used to that. It's gonna be okay." Mike reached his hand and wiped the tears Will hadn't notice were dripping down his cheek. 

He hadn't gained as much control of himself as he had thought. 

Will put his head on Mike and buried his face in his shirt, embarrassed, letting the boy's perfect scent calm him down. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess," Will whispered into him, not sure if the tall boy had heard him. Suddenly, a loud voice made them jump.

"MIKE WHEELER I SWEAR ONE DAY I WILL-" it was Lucas' voice, coming from the black walkie talkie on Mike's dresser. The boys jumped up, their hug interrupted. 

"Shit," Mike said, running to the device and picking it up, stopping Lucas mid swear.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry-" he started, but Lucas cut him off.

"You ruined Dustin's surprise! it was just me and max! You and Byers better be at the arcade in 10 or I swear I'll- and I don't care if you're not done with your stupid math paper. Over and out." Lucas' loud voice sounded, and then the line cut.

"come on, we have to hurry! I'll make my mom drive us-" Mike said already running out of the room.

"Wait, math paper?" Will asked confused, pulling Mike to a stop. The black-haired boy turned to him, a smile smeared across his handsome features. 

"excuse of the day," he winked and left the room, leaving Will with his heart fluttering.

                                                                                   ✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

30 minutes later the two boys were sitting with Dustin and Lucas outside the arcade, and after apologizing vigorously to both boys (and hearing Dustin's camp stories) they didn't really understand why they weren't going in.

"For the millionth time, we're waiting for Max!" Lucas said, glancing at Will angrily. It was so hot, and Will stared inside the air conditioned arcade longingly.

"I thought she was with you?" Mike Lucas.

"She was, but she said she had something to do and she'll meet us here," Dustin answered instead, fanning himself with his hat.

A few moments later Max showed up on her bike, but she wasn't alone; on the back of her bike stood a tall girl with short brown hair up to her shoulders and beautiful brown eyes.

 They leaped off the bike, and Max grabbed her by the hand and dragged her towards the boys.

"Guys, this is Jane Hopper. She's Chief Hopper's adoptive daughter, and they just moved next to us. Jane, this is Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair my boyfriend and Dustin Henderson. They're the nerds I told you about." Max said, pointing at each of the boys in turn. The girl, Jane, let out a sweet giggle. 

Even though Will was definitely gay, even he couldn't ignore how pretty Jane was. 

There was a shy charm to her, with large, wondering brown eyes and cherry red lips. She was a bit taller than Will, and had an elegance to her. 

She smiled and waved at them. "Hi," she said.
"Come on, Jane, I'll show you all the best games," Max said as she stepped next to Lucas and grabbed his hand, "I'm the best out of the group, especially in Dig Dug." 

Lucas and Dustin started protesting loudly as the group started towards the building. 

Mike and Will hurried to follow them, walking a bit closer than necessary to carry out a casual conversation. 

Every once in a while Mike's hand fluttered over Will's, squeezing it a few times. Every time they touched, Will felt completely safe, loved. It made it very hard to focus on playing video games.

Two hours later the group had had enough of video games. 

Lucas, Max and Dustin headed towards their bikes, and left Mike, Jane and Will outside. "I'll be right back, going to the bathroom," Mike got up from the curb they were sitting on and ran back towards he almost empty arcade.

"Isn't Max giving you a ride back?" Will asked the brown haired girl, who was tying up her hair with a yellow scrunchy.

"Mike invited me for a welcome dinner with his family, " Jane said and smiled at him. 

Will was caught by surprise. Was it weird that Mike invited this girl for dinner when the only times Will shared dinner with the Wheelers were with the rest of the party? 

and wasn't Mike supposed to come to Will's house after the arcade? before he had a chance to dwell on it, Mike came back from the arcade, and almost at the exact same moment Will's mom pulled into the empty parking space a little ways on the side.

"Bye," Will said as he got up. Mike walked with him to the car, and in the tiny space where neither Jane or Will's mom couldn't see gave him a swift kiss. 

"Tomorrow, ten thirty, your place," Mike breathed and left towards Jane. 

Will got in the car, but even with the kiss and promise of seeing Mike tomorrow, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.

UGH i don't know what to do my chapters are so long but if i make them shorter they'll be boring af... anyway, some more drama happening next chapter

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