Chapter 4- Mike

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MIKE THREW ALL the clothes off his messy bed, stuffing them in the closet.

Then, he hurried to clear the floor of the clutter of school supplies, sweatshirts and food wrappers. He had overslept again, and Will would be there in just a few minutes! 

He put on the first shirt he could find, a crumpled blue button up he was pretty sure he had already worn at least five times that week. 

Sometimes he impressed even himself. 

 He ran down the stairs to where his family was sitting around the table, Joined by Nancy's boyfriend Steve. 

Steve, the cliche douche. HE had been a douche in high school, and he was even more of a douche now. He worked at some dead-end job for his father, but strutted around like he was the mayor of Hawkins at the very least. Mike stared at him angrily. With her endless patience and intelligence he was sure Nancy could do better (not that he'd ever tell her that).

"Is something wrong Michael?" His mom asked from the head of the table, looking  him up and down while cutting the Eggo's on Holly's plate.
Mike grumbled an unclear answer and sat down next to her, the only open seat around the table. 

He started eating the waffle on his plate quickly, stuffing it almost whole in his mouth without bothering with any toppings. He repeatedly glanced at the watch on his hand. The last thing he needed was for his mom to see Will come in- She'd offer him to join  them for breakfast. 

"Mike, that's totally disgusting," Nancy stared at him as she curled into Steve's lap. She had  barely even touched her waffle.

"Piece of advice buddy, you're never gonna get any girls with your hair like that," Steve added, pushing his signature mane of shiny brown hair back. Usually Mike would reply with a snarky comment, but there simply wasn't time for that today.

"Yeah yeah," he mumbled, swallowing the last bites loudly. "May I be excused?" He turned to his mother.
"No, wait until everyone has finished eating!" His mom replied firmly.

"Come on! Dad, do something!" Mike turned to his father, who was mindlessly drinking coffee while reading the morning paper.

"Give him a break Karen, he's Sixteen!" His father said without raising his head from the paper for even a second.

"Well, if Mike gets to go we want to go too, Steve has to go to work soon and-" Nancy rose up in anger, already starting to pull Steve up.
"Sit down, nobody's going anywhere!" the mother tried, but just then the doorbell rang.

"That's Will!" Mike called enthusiastically and ran to the door, the voices of his family arguing still echoing from behind him. 

Mike opened the door eagerly- just as he had predicted Will stood behind it, smiling widely. 

"Hi," he said. Mike just stared at him. 

At his brown hair glittering in the morning sun, his hazel eyes sparkling, and his beautiful smile on his face. 

A smile meant just for Mike. But he couldn't dwell on the boy any longer, he had to let him in before his family got suspicious. So he just moved out of the way and let Will in, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs. 

the two boys ran down the hallway eagerly, stifling giggles of happiness and excitement, feeling like small kids again. When they finally reached Mike's room, he closed the door tightly behind him and turned back towards Will.

"Hey," he breathed, looking at the boy for real this time. He loved how short Will was, it made him feel like he could protect him from anything in the world.

 God, Will was beautiful. He saw him every day, and everyday it felt like he was more and more beautiful.

"What?" Will asked, smiling shyly. 

Mike took his hand again and pulled him towards the bed, pressing play on the small radio next to the door on his way, loud music bursting out. 

The two boys sat on the bed together, and finally Mike was able to lean down and kiss him. Will kissed him back, but there was something weird about his kiss. Mike pulled away and studied the boy more carefully. 

There was something wrong in his eyes too, they weren't as happy as he had previously thought...

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking deep in Will's eyes.
Will shook his head dismissively, but then Mike saw the bags under his eyes and immediately realized what was wrong. 

"You had that dream again, didn't you?" He asked, and the petite boy nodded, looking down.

"How many times do I have to tell you this? I love you, William Byers. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. I will always love you." Mike said, taking Will's head in his arms, watching as his cheeks turned bright red. 

And then he kissed him again, and Will kissed him back, and once again everything was perfect. 

Mike closed his eyes and let the music from the radio fill his ears and focused his everything on the beautiful boy sitting in front of him. "Do you want to..." Mike asked, already unbuttoning his shirt. Will's whole body turned pink.

"Mike... your parents are literally downstairs..." The brunette said, not looking at Mike.

"This time my parents are here, and last time you had homework to do, and the time before you suddenly had an urge to watch a movie with Lucas and Max. Why can't we do it already? I love you... do you not love me? is that why you don't want to?" Mike called in exasperation, annoyed out of his mind. 

Will turned even pinker. "I love you, Mike. More then anything. I'm just... not ready, I don't think. I'm sorry." Mike regretted the way he spoke. Why did he have such a temper? he knew the boy loved him, they had had this discussion countless times already... He knew when the time comes Will will tell him.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too. can we just pretend I didn't say anything?" Mike said sheepishly, throwing his shirt to the side and kissing Will again. The way he kissed him back, Mike knew he was forgiven.

                                                                                 ✴ ⁕ ✴ ⁕ ✴

"Mike, we really have to go now," Will said, pulling away from him. 

Mike looked at his watch.
"So we'll be a little late, it's fine!" He pulled Will back for another kiss. Will kissed him back swiftly but then pulled away, a slight smile on his face as he got up from the bed and straightened his shirt, throwing Mike's shirt to him.

"No, we can't be late! Dustin's coming back from camp, we haven't seen him the whole summer!" Mike sighed, buttoning his shirt.  As much as he wanted to see Dustin, it was hard to focus on anything besides Will at this moment.

"Fine, two more minutes and then we'll go." He decided, pulling Will down on the bed and kissing him again.

"Mike, did Mom put Steve's sweatshirt in your room by accident- HOLY SHIT!" Mike pulled away from Will in time to see his sister standing in the open doorway, her eyes wide with shook. She turned around and left the room.
"shit!" Mike called, leaping after her, "shit, shit, shit!"


Yay cliffhanger! sorry this part is so long, but HOW CUTE ARE THEY I'M-

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