Chapter 5- Mike

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"NANCE! NANCY! LISTEN to me!" Mike called, running into her room after her. 

Steve was sprawled on the bed with his shirt off, Nancy already seated next to him.
He didn't seem at the least bit bothered by his girlfriend's little brother seeing him like that.
"Give us a minute, Steve?" Nancy asked him, and he promptly got up.

"I guess I'll head to work. See you after, babe." He kissed her as he pulled on his shirt, ruffling Mike's hair on the way out. As soon as the door closed behind him, Mike ran and sat next to Nancy.

"It's not what you think Nancy, we were just-" Mike tried, but there wasn't a way out of it. She had caught them red handed.

"What are you thinking, Mike?!" She yelled suddenly, startling him. He looked at her with pleading eyes, silently asking her to quiet down. 

He didn't want their parents to hear her, and even less Will.

"What do you mean? I-" he was confused. How was him kissing Will any worse then her kissing Steve? at least they both had their shirts on! ( when she came in)

"What do I mean? Gosh, Mike, are you really that naive?" She called again, not quite as loud,

"How long have you and Will been-" she stopped mid sentence and shuddered a bit. Mike was hurt, but she had the upper hand. he couldn't have her telling their mom and dad, he had to keep her pleased..

"I don't know, three, four years?"

"Fucking hell, Mike!" Nancy fell back on her bed, covering her face with her hands. 

Mike stayed silent for a few moments, letting her compose herself. About a minute later she rose again, looking calmer and more stressed at the same time.

 she turned her whole body towards him and grabbed his hands. That was weird. Mike honestly thought the last time she had any physical contact with him was when he started kindergarten.

"Mike, I don't know how to tell you this... Listen, I love you no matter what, and i get that you want to- do that- but it can't be with Will!" 
"Why exactly?" Mike said angrily, his temper breaking. he pulled his hands away and stared at her angrily.

"Because Will is a boy, Mike! and so are you! boys can't be with other boys!" She called, and then it was silent.

Mike sat on her bed, dumbfounded. 

He felt so, so stupid. 

He had never thought about it like that before. It was so natural, so easy to be with Will he never thought about the most basic thing: Will was a boy. 

Did that make him... gay? 

the word, even inside his own head, made his cheeks turn red.

"What if I don't give a fuck?" he called, this time he was the one yelling. but he already knew what her response would be.

"A kid from my class had an older brother who was gay, you know that? no, of course you don't. You don't because when his father found out he kicked him out, and two years later some guys jumped him in an ally and he died. Did you know that?" Nancy whisper-yelled, losing her temper too. 

Mike stopped dead in his tracks. that was definitely not what he thought she would say. 

"but- but- I- I love Will," Mike desperately said, looking down.
"Mike, did you honestly think you and Will could have a future or something? I'm sorry, but that's not the world we live in. You'll find a girl, and you'll get over it. it's just a phase," Nancy said, "You and Will can never be together. Not if you want to make it in this world."

Before she even finished, Mike got up and left the room muttering "Don't tell mom and dad or I'll tell them about Shirtless Steve," slamming the door behind him.

he walked slowly back to his room, his heart heavy. 

Now that he was alone, he knew he was partially lying to himself. He wasn't that oblivious to the fact his parents wouldn't accept Will and him, otherwise he would've told them! But at the same time...

He couldn't break up with Will.

 He just couldn't. 

The thought of the brown-haired boy's eyes widening with pain was unbearable. 

he had vowed he'd never cause Will any pain, and he meant it. 

But at the same time, he knew Nancy was right. 

Will and him could never be together, not if he wanted a shot at life. When he reached the door of his room, he still didn't make a decision.

 He breathed a deep breath in and opened the door, knowing things would never go back to the way they used to be.

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