Doyoung - Sun and Stars

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I stood at the edge of the sand, my feet in the water up to my ankles. I admired the view of the sunset as the small waves gently hit my legs.

"Y/N?" I heard my boyfriend, Doyoung, call out from behind me. I was about to turn towards him but felt him wrap his arms around my waist. He placed his chin on my shoulder as I covered his hands with mine. He turned his head and kissed my cheek, causing me to smile. "This was a good idea," He muttered.

"I'm glad you think so."

We stood there for a while, watching as the sun slowly disappeared and the stars showed themselves.


"It's a little late." Doyoung pointed out. We were lying on our backs on the sand, stargazing. His hand held mine, his thumb gently caressing my hand. "When do you want to leave?"

I turned to him. "Do you not want to be here?"

"No, that's not it. It's beautiful. I just wanted to know when you were planning on leaving."

"Honestly, I'd love to stay here for..." I looked at the sky again. "a really long time. With you." I looked to him again, and smiled. He returned it then cuddled closer to me.

"I know something that's even more beautiful than this."

"What's that?"

"I'll give you a hint. I get to see it every day."

"Hmm. The sun?"

"You're close."

"Oh come on. What is it?"

"You." Doyoung gazed into my eyes as he said it. I blushed then hid my face in his sweater. He laughed, then muttered, "Cute."

"Shush. But tell me," I lifted my head. "how was the sun a good guess?"

"Because you're the sun of my life, and my moon and stars."

"I..." I was speechless. "Doyoung..." I hid my face again, hugging him tighter. "What amazing nickname am I supposed to use for you then?"

"That's up to you."

"You really like not making this easy, don't you?"

"I guess I do somewhat enjoy it."

"Take out the somewhat and I'll believe you."

He gasped, pretending to be offended. "How could you say that?"

I lifted my head, then kissed his cheek. "Cause I can."

We laughed, then continued stargazing. I thought about what I could call him, if he had sun, moon and stars. My ray of sunshine and moonlight, maybe?

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