Yuta- Groceries

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"You guys came!" I exclaimed upon seeing Jaehyun and Mark come out of the car. Getting up from the wood log near the firepit, I ran to Jaehyun, hugged him, then turned to Mark and did the same.

"Of course! We weren't just going to leave you at the cabins alone." Mark replied, hugging me.

"But," Jaehyun added. I looked over to him, letting go of Mark. "we brought someone else with us. He wanted to join us." I heard a door to the car open, and Yuta stepped out, smiling shyly. I beamed and went to him, giving him a hug too. "Winwin and Doyoung are coming later, they had to finish something back at the house."

"More of you?" I sighed, recounting my edible items in my head as I heard the three chuckle at my statement. "I'll have to get more food then. I was honestly only expecting at least two of you, so I didn't bring too much. I was only planning on staying here for three days."

"Well, do you have enough for tonight?" Mark asked.

I nodded, then explained, "But we won't all be having the same thing if we use what I have. I'd rather get more stuff now than tomorrow, cause I can already tell I won't want to. May as well get it over with." I shrugged.

"Alright then. It's..." Jaehyun looked at the time on his phone, then continued, "5 o'clock. Doyoung said he and Winwin should be done their task by at least 6 30. We should have enough time before they get here."

And with that, we all piled into the car and left towards the grocery store. As we went, I asked what Winwin and Doyoung were doing. Yuta explained that the two had the "brilliant" idea to have a water balloon fight inside the house. "With the rest of them."

"Everyone else?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

He nodded. "They even convinced Taeyong to join them."

I slightly tilted my head, thinking, Well then. He continued explaining, saying that the two were now cleaning the house from all the water and balloon pieces. Afterwards, we just all talked and laughed together.

"Alright, we're here." Jaehyun announced as he pulled into a parking space. We all exit the car and started making our way to the store.


"Hold up." Jaehyun called out as he pat his pockets. We all turned to him. "I forgot my wallet. You guys go ahead."

"Who said you were paying," I pointed out.

"I did." Then he turned back towards the car. Mark said he'd go back with him to help.

And so, Yuta and I slowly started making our way to the building. It seemed as though Jaehyun purposely picked the farthest parking spot.

I shivered, regretting not putting a sweater over my short sleeve.

"Cold?" Yuta asked, looking over. I nodded a bit, but then shrugged.

"It's fine. This is what I get for not bringing my hoodie." I chuckled, rubbing the back of my nape with my hand.

"Want mine?" He offered, taking hold of one of his sleeves.

"No, it's fine. We won't be outside long anyway." Though I wanted to say yes, it was true that we didn't have long until we would enter the store.


I opened the driver door, reached to the seat where I had left my wallet, then closed it. Mark gave me a questioning look. I went over to him and suggested we start walking. I explained what I had in mind, which he agreed to.

"I agree. I strongly agree." Mark approved, nodding.

"Honestly, it's painful to watch the two, because it's obvious they like each other." I pointed out, watching as Y/N and Yuta playfully bickered about something. Then I had a thought. "I bet 30$ that I could get them together before the three days are up."

"And I bet you won't."

I called out to Y/N and Yuta. They came to a stop until we reached them, then walked alongside us. "I have a dare for you two."

"I already don't like where this is going." Y/N teased.

"You have to do it. No backing out."

"Fine." They both agreed. I grinned.

"I dare you two," I began, slightly pausing to create suspense. "to act like a couple until we get ready to go to head to sleep tonight" They looked at each other in surprise, then at me. I explained that it was really just holding hands and stuff like that, no kissing was necessary. They seemed more okay with the idea after my explanation. Y/N asked when I wanted them to start playing out my dare.


"Right now." Jaehyun stated, gesturing to our hands. Mark snickered in the background as Yuta took hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers. I felt a blush creep up to my face as I looked forward, only able to hope that my face wasn't too red.

"Oh, and one more thing." Mark started. All three of us looked to him.

A small basket in one hand, the other still held by Yuta, we made our way down some food aisles, Jaehyun and Mark elsewhere. I picked out stuff that we would need, such as extra stuff for diners to cook over the fire, and meanwhile, Yuta would put random stuff in the basket for fun. As he was putting a box of Oreos in the basket, I laughed a bit, unable to take him seriously.

"Why are you like this?" I joked. He laughed, grinning happily.

"Because I am~" He replied in a sing-song tone, making us laugh again. My heart fluttered, happy to hear him laugh and see him smile like that.

For fun, I left the Oreo box in there, and even grabbed another one, because I was sure that one wouldn't last long. As we continued roaming, a young girl came up to us, a big bright grin on her face.

"Hello~" She said. Yuta and I smiled and said hello in return. "I just wanted to say that I hope I can be happy like you two when I grow up! I can tell that you love each other very much!"

Mark's words flashed through my mind. "One more thing. If anyone says something like 'You two make such a nice couple', then you have to go along with it."

I crouched down in front of the beaming little girl, then said, "I hope you can be happy as well. Someone sweet like you deserves it!" She giggled and I couldn't help but do the same.

"Thank you~" She waved, Yuta and I waved back, then she raced away, back to her mother, who seemed to listen contently as her daughter talked to her.

I got back up, feeling my face heat up intensely. "I can tell that you love each other very much!" Her words kept repeating themselves in my head. I looked over to Yuta, who was also a shade of red.

"Um... About- About what she said..." I stuttered, now not sure about how to phrase what I was thinking. His grip on my hand tightened slightly as he turned towards me completely. "It's true on my side... I do like you..." I confessed, my eyes searching his.

"Then her statement was spot-on." He smiled shyly, taking both of my hands in his. I smiled in return, relieved. "Though, this is one of the last places I expected to confess to you." We laughed, then decided to get groceries done so that we could meet up with the other two.

We also decided to "prank" them and still pretend to be a couple, then see how long it would take before they realized we actually were a couple.

Cause why not.

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