Steve, don't leave.

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Steve and Bucky walked up a few more flights of stairs and Steve asked "Why the hell is your room so high up?" "Where is it?" "Top floor." "Ok." Bucky scooped Steve up and jogged up the stairs with Steve in his arms "How are you doing this?" "I was on the run for a year and a half, I had people trying to kill me in every 1 mile radius." They got to the top floor and Steve showed Bucky where his room was.

"It's plain white, so you can paint it and decorate it how you like. There are paints on the floor. I should go to the others now Bucky..." "Steve, don't leave." Steve had turned to go downstairs, he turned back around and said "Ok, I won't." Bucky slightly smiled. "They have music up here too, if you want to listen to it whilst you paint the walls. I'll just sit on the bean bag." "Ok, h-how do I turn it on?" "Umm, there's a box over here, it's like a radio but not. There's a phone thing plugged in, that should work by typing something in." 

Bucky put you are my sunshine on whilst he painted his walls in baby blue. He was lightly singing and Steve was recording him, he didn't send it to anyone. He just kept it in a folder he had made; Bucky being sweet.

He had painted all of his walls in baby blue and he said "Steve, look. I did it, I know what pattern to put on it too." He then got the white paint and painted arrows on them.

" He then got the white paint and painted arrows on them

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Steve smiled and said "This room is really relaxing now." Bucky nodded as he sat on the bed. Bucky and Steve started talking when there was a buzzing noise coming from a red button above Bucky's door. "What is that thing?" "It tells us that there's food." "Nice." 

Steve and Bucky got out of Bucky's room, Steve walked down the stairs whilst Bucky went down the banister like a slide. They got downstairs and Bucky then went quiet again, he was a little more happier on the outside but he was still shaking internally from the conversations he had earlier with others. He waited until Steve got down, he was running down the stairs. 

Steve sat down and they ate.

---later that night---

It was 3:00 am Bucky woke up, he ran his hands through his hair and took deep heavy breaths. He heard screaming, from all types of people. He got out of bed and ran to Steve's room. He climbed into it and cried whilst hugging Steve's back. He whispered "Steve, don't leave. Please." 

Catch me when I land.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora