Proper introduction

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Everything had cooled off with the avengers, Tony realised Bucky wasn't a threat to society much and he agreed to allow him to stay in the Avengers tower. All friendship that had torn had been stitched back together by Peter joining. 

Bucky was following Steve into the lounge, the others were there. They were talking to each other, Peter was so happy everyone had gotten back together as friends. Steve and Bucky sat down, Bucky sat on the edge of the sofa with his head down slightly. I don't belong here, all of these guys are heroes, well not the kid necessarily. I don't belong here and I don't want to belong here. I'll always be the outcast, no matter how hard I try. 

Steve started talking to Nat when she said "Hey Bucky, how are you? Sorry about trying to kill you and all that...we're on a clean slate now right?" Nat put her hand out to shake. "Y-Yeah." Bucky went to shake with his left but then realised his hand so he switched, Nat chuckled and switched with him. "Все будет хорошо, Баки." (Everything will be fine Bucky) Bucky slightly smiled as they let go and Steve continued talking to Nat. 

She's alright, I'll just stick to Steve though. 

Peter sat next to Bucky and said "We haven't properly met, I'm Peter. You are?" Bucky lightly chuckled and said "Bucky." "Why are we laughing?" "I'm confused, you fought, you don't know who I am?" "Nope." "Same." "Look, we're getting along great...we have so much in common." Peter said as he smiled. 

Everyone soon got to talk to Bucky except Tony. Steve said "Tony, why don't you try hold a conversation with Bucky?" Bucky started shaking his head no at Steve. "Ok." Tony said, Tony and Steve switched places. 

Bucky's fight or flight mode kicked in and he started internally panicking. Everyone continued talking but kept an eye on them, especially Steve. Tony broke the silence between them and asked "Your arm? How does it work?" Bucky shrugged. His arm is incredibly up to speed considering it was made years ago. 

"How often did they replace it?" "T-They didn't." Tony then stood up and said "Crazy that they didn't." Steve took Tony's place and whispered to Bucky "See it wasn't that hard." "It was terrifying." "Ok, do you want to go to your room, I'll show you where it is." "Ok, yes." Steve sneezed and Bucky's head shot up. "You ok?" Steve nodded and said "Hay-fever." blinked a few times. 

Everyone noticed how scared Bucky got when Steve sneezed. When Bucky and Steve went upstairs to Bucky's room, Clint said "Did anyone see how jumpy he was?" "He's so scared that he's even jumping to a sneeze." Peter then said "In all fairness I was terrified by it too." 

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