Harry Potter

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Bucky froze and said "25-26 years I suppose." "Technically we're older. Well, Scott is anyway. Steve's about 24-25 in that case then. You guys are the least mature since you're the youngest." Bucky didn't say anything, he just ate his plum. 

---After 3 hours---

The others came back, Hope and Scott left 10 minutes earlier. Bucky was still thinking about it. "Hey Buck." Steve said as he looked at him. "Buck?" Bucky didn't reply. Steve saw the bandages and said "What happened to your hand?" "I broke a frame and it went into my hand." "WHAT!!" Tony yelled. Bucky got up and ran up to his room whilst yelling "I REPLACED IT DON'T KILL ME!!" He locked himself in his room and Steve followed him. He knocked on his door and said "Buck, what happened?" 

"There was a spider and I got the bat and killed it but I hit the frame with Tony, Pepper and Peter in it and I replaced it with my one of me and you because I knew Tony wouldn't be happy since that's his family and I don't want him to get mad at me because he really scares me since he can just get one of his suits and kill me instantly in my sleep at night and I don't want that to happen but please don't tell him because he might use it to his advantage." 

Steve had recorded the entire conversation so he could listen over it but Tony also heard the conversation from the cameras. "He's afraid of me." Tony whispered as his jaw dropped. "What?" Nat asked. "Bucky is afraid of...me. Me?" "Why?" "Because I could kill him in his sleep and he wouldn't know." Steve walked down and everyone pretended they didn't hear him. "Don't worry Tony. He replaced the frame." Bucky then tip toed down and grabbed a plum from the fridge. He rinsed it and bit into it. Peter asked "Hey Mr Jesus, can I have a plum?" "Ugh...sure?" "Thanks!" He ran to the fridge and got one of the plums. 

He copied Bucky by rinsing it and following him. "Kid what are you doing?" Bucky whispered as he chuckled. "Being like you for a day. Tomorrow I'm going to be like Steve and th-" "Oh hell no. You are not being like Steve I'm sorry but you're already reckless enough being like him could cause a catastrophic mess in the tower because Steve's ego would rise since you have actual superpowers and he'd say oh I bet you can climb up the wall like itsy bitchy spider in the childs rhyme. Anyone but Steve Peter. Anyone." Peter chuckled and said "It's itsy bitsy spider not itsy bitchy spider Mr Jesus." "Yeah whatever." Peter chuckled more and said "You know what, it's itsy bitchy spider now." 

Bucky turned to Steve and said "We're saying bad language words Steve, aren't you going to stop us?" "Ok, who told him?!?" Steve asked as he took his helmet off. Peter sniggered behind his phone as he said "It totally wasn't me." Steve sighed and shook his head. Bucky walked over and ruffled Steve's hair. "What are you doing?" "Shut up I'm fixing it." Peter stood on the sofa behind Tony and went to ruffle his hair, without turning around Tony said "Don't try it Pete. I will blast you into tomorrow." "Well dad if you have time travelling fists then why are we still going to Butlins!...Deal with my 15 year old logic." Tony chuckled. "We go to Butlins because Stephen wants to." "What about me?" "When you're older." Bucky went upstairs and went back in his room. He got one of the books that Steve gave him and he started reading it. It was Harry Potter and he had already read the first one so he was reading The Chamber of Secrets. He loved the first one and he knew it would only get better.

This was the only thing that made him feel safe. Reading. (And Steve) Escaping into a fictional world where consequences weren't placed solely on one person. If he could he would escape into a world of his choice. He so desperately wanted to leave his life to live a better one and make people more comfortable. If there was one thing he ever wanted it would be to leave everyone else's memory. He didn't want people to know who he was, he wanted to stay a mystery. He wanted to be left alone. 

Everyone was talking downstairs and Steve asked "Wait where's Bucky?" "Upstairs in his room probably." Peter said. "Should I ask him to come down?" Steve asked as he went to get up. Tony chuckled and said "No, he's not an avenger, he's a villain. A bad guy." Steve got up and then flipped Tony off as he walked to the stairs. Nat started chuckling and Tony sighed. 

Steve knocked on Bucky's door but he didn't answer. "Buck, you ok?" He made a slight yes noise. "Can I come in?" "Yeah." He opened the door and saw Bucky laying on his stomach and reading. He chuckled at one part and Steve smiled. He closed the door and sat beside Bucky "What are you laughing at?" "The part where Hermione says we could have been killed or worse...expelled. Her priorities are straight at least." "You know that there are films of those." "Yeah but books are better." "Do you want to come down?" "No, they all hate me." "Ok, well if you do just come down ok?" "Ok." Steve ruffled Bucky's hair and smiled as he left. 

He walked downstairs and Clint asked "What was he doing?" "Reading." "I'm surprised he can." Tony muttered. Steve used a hairband and hit Tony's forehead as he flung it across it the room like a bow and arrow Clint would use but much, much smaller. Tony rubbed his head and asked "What the hell was that for?" "I heard what you said." "What! I didn't expect it, does he know there are movies?" "Yes, he prefers books though." Nat awed and said "He's my child now. I'm going up there." Steve chuckled and Clint looked jealous. 

Nat walked in and said "Hello James." "Natasha." "Hey, you remember my name." "Yeah, it took a while at first. How comes you're up here?" Bucky asked as he turned the page. "You're my child now." "Why?" "You're so sweet, I'm going to protect you." Nat said as she ruffled his hair. He nodded slightly and said "Uh huh." "You didn't hear me did you?" "I did, I'm just concentrating." "Fluff ball sweetie pie." Bucky chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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