2. The Encounter.

Start from the beginning

"Has Uncle Steve told you about the dead people?" She asked, curious.

"What?" I said, astonished. "He didn't tell me a thing." That must have been the reason why mom seemed so worried.

"Oh," was all she said. She didn't continue, deciding to dismiss the subject then and there.

I insisted her to tell me the news completely and was supported by Arthur. After some convincing, she gave up.

"Two or three people were killed by vampires. Their mutilated bodies were found in the farms," she said, sad.

I was shocked hearing the news. "Which territory they belonged to?" I asked, curious.

"Ours," she replied. That terrified me. "They were of Magill." Magill was a town near Adelaide.

"Who were they?" This time Arthur beat me. "Did you know them?"

"No," she answered slowly.

While talking about the dead people, we arrived at the river.

"Iris, Arthur," Millicent said, clearing her throat. "I'm going to set up all the food and other belongings nearby the river."

I sat nearby the river just staring at water. The water was as clear as crystal. It was a sunny day. The light blue sky was clear with some white clouds floating here and there. The river water was reflecting the blue colour of sky. It seemed a little blue but eventually it seemed a lot transparent. I could make out the fishes swimming in it. I didn't intend on frightening them. So, I didn't disturb the equilibrium that was maintained.

Arthur had gone to take some of his belongings from the boot of the car. So, I was alone there staring at my reflection in the water.

My straight blond hair was slightly curving at the end, below my shoulders. My eyes were as brown as the riverbed. If it wasn't for the sclera, I wouldn't have been able to differentiate between my eyes and the riverbed.

I sat near the bank admiring the Pacific Black Ducks and the Australian White Ibises in the river. They looked so beautiful. But I noticed something a bit eerie, near the river in my peripheral vision.

I saw a person standing at the back of the Red Gum tree nearby the river. This Red Gum tree was a connection between river Torrens and Adelaide hills. It was exactly opposite to where I was sitting. That person was a boy or at least it seemed like that to me.

He was standing far from me but still I noticed his eyes; they were dark blue glowing in the sunlight. But I couldn't say anything for sure. Many questions arose in my mind. Who was he? Was he stalking us?

I stood up from my place and started towards him, trying to study his features. I increased my pace. I wanted to see his face clearly; it was still a blur.

He ran when he saw me coming. He was too fast or else I was too slow to catch him. I followed him, but he was too fast to catch. I tried to look for him but he was nowhere to be seen.

By the time, I was following him-I was surrounded by darkness, not because the sun had set but because I was standing in the woods surrounded by thick branches of trees from all the sides. I could clearly hear the sound of magpies and jays. Except the sound of various birds, there was hushed silence in the woods.

I began to get out of the eerie place. Squelch. Squelch. Squelch. I could hear the sound of my footsteps on the muddy ground covered with small bushes.

I heard Millicent, her voice faraway. "Iris, where are you?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

Millicent's voice was followed by Arthur's voice. "Iris, where are you?" He asked as well. "Iris!" Hearing their voice, it was definite that they were worried as hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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