Start from the beginning

Miss Amara mentioned again that they have already identified another Dayanghirang who she kept anonymous since it was vital for them to remain hidden for their own safety. As of now, the other princess was sent to another area for training.

"Lira how's your training? Can you fully use all your powers?" the head mistress asked.

"I can, but not all of them."

"Then I guess we also need to train you for combat." She turned and addressed Matt. "Matteo, I want you to train Lira the basics."

Matt nodded and gave Lira a wink. Lira groaned.

After the meeting, Lira had her first lesson with Matt. He thought her some blocking and defense moves since she would be using her own abilities instead of weapons to subdue her future foes. Once the lessons were done, Lira went to meet with her friends. They started the 'Phase 1' of the 'Operation Mariella v. 2.0' by rummaging Mari's closet to look for suitable attire a.k.a. the 'plain Lira' look as dubbed by Yumi.

"Hey!" Lira grumbled. "And its Plain Jane; not Plain Lira," she added, crossing her arms.

Yumi chuckled. "You know I'm just teasing you Lira."

Since Mari had none of the long skirts or even the knee length ones (most of what she owned were mini to micro mini), they decided to invade Lira's closet instead. Later that evening, they went to have their dinner at the mess hall. Since most students opted to go home, the mess hall was almost empty except for some slayers, elite guards and teachers having their meal.

Lira and her friends were joined by the Imperial brothers and Elisabeth. Matt, who saw them from a far, frowned at Lira and went the other way. Although the Imperials and Elisabeth weren't eating, they each held a glass containing crimson liquid that Lira had suspicions as what it might be. She heard Stephan asked disgustingly to Yumi, "What's that you're eating?" to which Yumi snapped, "What's that you're drinking?"

Lira chuckled. If they kept that going, they'd end up as a couple someday.

Nicholas noticed her chuckling and asked, "What are you so amused about?"

"Wouldn't it be nice if my friend ended up dating your brother? They look cute together."

Nicholas seemed to ponder that thought. "Well, if they learn how not to constantly bite each other's heads off, I guess they're fit for each other. I wouldn't count on that ever happening, though. So don't put your hopes up."

"And why is that? Is it because of the vampire law that you said?"

"Partly yes. But it's more than that. You'll learn about it soon enough, I guess."

Lira spent her remaining week confined within the Academy as per Miss Amara's orders since the latter could not risk Lira facing any danger. Most of her mornings, she had her lessons with Matt. Lately, though, he seemed to be distant and aloof towards her. He only gave her instructions during the lessons, showed her the proper techniques, while his conversations with her seemed calculated. As if he didn't want to talk to her and yet he was forced to do so since he was in charge with teaching her self-defense. Lira found it odd but held her tongue.

The classes resumed after their two-week hiatus from school. True to his word, Ian was absent. There were also rumors that Clara was missing, but was later explained by Miss Amara that Clara remained in the south due to her sudden ailment. Mari had also been frequenting the infirmary. Lira suspected its more than dysmenorrhea as what Mari always explained the cause of her sickness. Meanwhile Yumi was acting weirder and weirder every day. Her sleep walking and talking turned for the worse. She advised Yumi that she might need to seek help before it'd cause her any further harm. Yumi brushed the idea away again, saying she was just fine. Lavinia, well Lavina was still her same old self, although Lira noticed her group became visibly smaller than before.

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