"Good, stun the man as their evidence and bring this so called 'devil of the rhine' mage back in the empire." The man huffed as he quietly chuckled in amusement.

'Tanya....' Rayan thought as she frowned while sitting with other older men.

'She just needed time. Just a little time to escape, why did she have to care for sir. Lerhgen? They weren't going to hurt him anyway.' Rayan thought, while frowning as she lightly gripped unto the jewel pinned on her colar.

Tanya's Pov;

I coughed.

I woke up from discomforting cold floors.

Where am I..?

I glanced around, but all I saw was grey.

Am I inside a cell..?

Wait! What even happened!?

I frowned as I looked down to see that I was handcuffed from the back.

Why now!? Why!??

I can't even escape at this weak state I am!

Damnit, I swear I smelled something weird after that explosion. What was it..!?

It didn't affect sir. Lerhgen..!


Where's sir. Lerhgen? What happened to him?

If he's still alive, I doubt he's going to tell the empire about me somehow getting captured like this so easily.

The enemies must've really known we were going to that place to work. Damnit...

I continued to think, before I heard a click and a violent creak.

I glanced up and saw a man smirking down at me, before yanking me by the arm and dragging me out to somewhere.

Where..? Where the hell??

This is enemy territory.

I think i'll be killed if I make the slightest of mistake of attacking anyone here.

And fleeing would be hard to do so.


I groaned as I hit the floor hard after being tossed forward by the same damn man.

I quietly growled as I tried to kneel up.

A man with a lit ciggaret in his mouth was smirking towards me. Wait, is he..? Those eyes...

Is he my biological father..!?

No way...

I glanced over him to see two men frowning over me. Atleast they both looked serious over this.

"I suppose I can begin of what you can call me...call me, F." The man said as he puffed a smoke.

'F'? Seriously?

That's just pathetic.

Groaning, I rolled my eyes as I continued to stare directly at him.

"Tell me. Are you my daughter?" F asked.

That's a stupid question.

"No." I lied.

If he doesn' want a stupid answer, he shouldn't have asked a stupid question.

He frowned, before snapping his right hand.

All I remember was coughing down on the floor after getting kicked by the side of my stomach.

What the hell..!?

I glanced up, it was Rayan.

Why's she..? What?

She had a straight look, she didn't even seem to display any emotion at all.

It was mostly me getting a beating from her when I didn't tell the truth.

"Hmmm...you're an insane one aren't you..?" F smirked.

I quietly groaned as I knelt on both knees with a disgusted look.

Slight blood came dripping from my mouth from all the kicking I had to endure.

Betraying the fatherlands for my own life and sake is not a decision I can just make, ok.

"Well, I think that's enough for today. Rayan sweety...take our prisoner back to her cell." F decided to finally dismiss me now, huh..?


I whinced in every step I took.

She kicked me really hard on my stomach and all, but that was just plain brutal.

My face was slightly bruised by the side of my lip from the fact that 'F' decided to give me a head on punch in the face.

Rayan really seems out of character too. Or was that just Being X making a fool on me so he can make fun of me!??

"Woah! Our Weeping Grenade has a mate with her!" I looked up to see a young man snickering with two other men.

I and Rayan stopped.

I swear I would be beating them until their guts spilled out.

The man who persued Rayan took a step forward over me and knelt down.

"You look like such a good girl..." he said.

Where'd He Get My Vessel? (youjo senki)(saga of Tanya the evil)Where stories live. Discover now