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You woke with a terrible start and bit your tongue to keep from yelling aloud. You were sitting upright.

The prominent burn scars blemishing your shoulder and ankle screamed in agony.

"Are you alright?"

You hadn't the luxury of responding. Your vision was turning dark; it was too painful.

Your gasps for breath were short and quick.

No, don't panic. Breathe.

Your hand was clutched so tightly to your shoulder that you had a hard time releasing its grip.


You started to take deeper breaths.

Your sword.

You cracked an eye open and swiftly grabbed and unsheathed the Nichirin Sword lying a foot away. It took the form of a scimitar, a curved blade.

"Breath of Snow," you croaked, holding the weapon straight out in front of you.

"First Form: First Snowfall."

Skillfully, you tapped your bare left shoulder and right ankle with the flat side of your sword in quick succession. It was a practiced motion.

On coming into contact with the Nichirin Sword, the terrible blisters began to freeze over. A coating of ice sat upon the scars, and dissolved in a matter of seconds. The searing aches of pain subsided.

Murmurs ensued.

You deduced they originated from the other Final Selection candidates, and that the candidates had never before witnessed a Breath of Snow form. After all, that certain breathing technique was an extremely rare sight, compared to Fire Breathing or Wind Breathing.

You exhaled, relieved, dropping your scimitar and wiping away the sweat that had gathered on your forehead.

Good job (Y/n), you praised yourself internally. Proud of ya.

"Are... you alright?"

It was the voice you heard earlier. You realized he was kneeling at your side, his weathered hands hovering uncertainly by you, as if he wanted to help but wasn't sure how. You met his gaze. The boy had dark and compassionate eyes, tinged with a bit of deep red. His hair matched the hue.

You remembered a story your father had told you.

So, this boy is a so-called Child of Brightness.

You smiled. He was kind to be vexed over your health, though you were mere strangers to each other.

"I'm fine," you replied, taking in the rest of his appearance. He looked to be around the same age as you, 16, and only an inch or two taller. A pair of hanafuda earrings hung from his ears. A patch of scarred skin adorned his forehead. He donned a sky blue robe of a familiar pattern, and a fox mask on the side of his head that you felt like you'd seen before...

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