The man was crafty. He knew how to avoid student interactions and kept his office locked so that no students would disturb him. You couldn't confront him in public about this situation of course, and the short bastard knew it. You also found it difficult to trace him to the car park. He left at different times, sometimes extremely early, sometimes very late, making it impossible for you to track his routine.

His lack of communication made it hard for you to figure out what he was thinking. Did he not want you? Then why did he finger you? Did he want you? Then why was he ignoring you? Argh! Men are so complicated. Don't women usually do these things? Why is it the opposite with me?! What if he hates me? That's even worse!

You were this close to losing it and pulling all your hair out. You were sexually and emotionally frustrated. You did your best to pay attention in class but it was impossible when your subconscious constantly reminded you of that hot kitchen session. Sitting in his class was even more difficult because you were basically facing the man of your fantasies head on but were powerless to do something about him. The library table was riddled with tiny holes at your irritated penknife stabbing, much to Armin's horror.

The distance was keeping you on edge. It saddened you to think that one small incident could just make two people stop talking to each other so easily. Your heart ached every time you saw his face and your body throbbed for his touch. You wanted him so bad, it was killing you.

Fuck this. If he's not going to address the situation and is going to make it hard on me to address it as well, I'm going to have to take some extreme measures.

First things first. You needed to pay a visit to Hange.


August, 7th - Friday

Today was the day.

Today was the day you were going to fuck Professor Ackerman. No matter what. You plotted a definite, scripted plan down to the tiniest detail. Outsmarting the man was difficult considering the fact that Levi was the type of person to outsmart others but you were going to throw a bone and take the risk.

Firstly, you were planning to not go to college today, thereby missing your lectures and giving him the assumption that you were not there. This would make him drop his guard and he would definitely falter from his normal, paranoid routine. Your friends were fed with the excuse of extreme headache and nausea from food poisoning.

Secondly, you needed to distract your friends so that none of them would suspect or interrupt you while you carried out your plan. This was such a big issue because your friends were nosy pigs that wouldn't leave you alone. God forbid you stay out later than nine. And the constant calls to check on you; sometimes, you just wished to slap the boys until their heads spun. To rectify this problem, you had suggested Eren to have a sleepover at his parents' house, just the four of you. Eren had readily agreed, his mother excited at the prospect of having a large family dinner and an exciting weekend together. This fit in time perfectly because Eren's mother had been demanding to see Mikasa after the two had gotten together. This would make it easier for you to remove yourself from the group when the time came. They were planning to set off as soon as university ended for the day.

This morning, you feigned illness and extreme diarrhea that made you unfit for travel. As suspected, the three immediately wanted to cancel, not liking the thought of leaving a friend behind while they left off for a fun weekend. But you forced them to move on with their premade plans.

"Eren, your mum is eagerly waiting! Your dad said that he would be home too, for once. You can't miss this opportunity. I can always come another time. You know this. Just go ahead. I'll be fine, I promise. I'll call Hange and hang out with her if I get bored, okay?" you said to the brunette when he called you after your worrying text. You added a few coughs and fake groans to sound more realistic.

STATISTICALLY SEDUCED (Professor Levi x Student Reader)Where stories live. Discover now