Chapter 5

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It had been a few days since the restaurant issue and they two were still hanging out on almost a daily basis. Today they were at the furniture store buying that bookshelf. Crowley was looking at a sleek black one. "Hey, angel how about this one?" Aziraphale sighed and ran his fingers over the wood. "I'm not sure it would go with the rest of the house. Maybe we cou-" he was cut off by the voice of a young woman. "Mr.Fell?" The exclamation caused both boys to look over.

"Anathema what a wonderful surprise." Aziraphale said walking over to his student. Crowley followed with a bit of confusion. "Angel, who is she?" he asked looking at the girl. "This is one of my students. Anathema this is my dear friend Crowley." Anathema looked at Crowley and smiled. She saw his necklace and nodded. The man obviously went by more than one gender. "Hello, sir its a pleasure to meet you."

Crowley looked skeptical but waved anyway. "Hi." he said putting a protective arm around Azi. Aziraphale blushed but didn't move. This is when Anathema formed a plan in her head. She decided that she has to get the two together. "So professor is this the Crowley that you talk about in class? You know the one that gave you that pretty plant on your computer background?"

Aziraphale blushed even brighter as Crowley looked over to him surprised. "You made Anthony Jr your computer background?" Azi nodded and looked back. "I couldn't help it he is absolutely beautiful." Crowley smiled a small smile. "I-I'm glad you liked the gift." Azi looked back to Anathema and smiled. "What brings you here Anathema?"

Anathema smiled "Well I'm looking for a desk for my course work. I've been trying to make a study room. Aziraphale smiled wide "Well there was a nice desk over this way. Let us s-" He was cut off by Crowley sitting on top of a nice sleek desk. "Here get this one. Now come on Angel I'm hungry." He hopped off and grabbed Aziraphale's arm. 'Let's gooooooooo." He wined. Aziraphale hit his arm. "Crowley be polite. Why are you being so jealous today?" He asked looking at the other man. 

Crowley blushed and pulled away. " I'm not jealous." He mumbled looking at Anathema who was holding in laughter. Anathema smirked at the two. "Professor it's alright if you need to go. I know my boyfriend would get impatient if I was talking to someone else." She giggled as both men blushed a bright red. "Anathema dear, Crowley and me are not dating!" Azi said defensively.

Anathema smirked and chuckled a bit. Aziraphale looked over to Crowley who was walking to the closest desk to distract himself from thinking about the thought of dating Aziraphale. Azi then looked back to Anathema who was smirking wide. "Anyway professor I think the desk that your friend picked is perfect. I'm going to buy that one." She said walking over to the desk and smiling. "Thank you both. I will see you guys later." She said walking to a sales associate to get the desk. Aziraphale walked over to Crowley.

"S-So would you like to grab a meal?" Aziraphale asked with a kind smile. Crowley nodded. "Of course, Angel. Why don't we just go back to my place and order pizza?" Aziraphale nodded as an answer. "But first, I need to buy the bookshelf that we found." Aziraphale ordered it and had it shipped to his house. They went back to Crowley's house and sat on the couch watching Doctor Who.

As they sat Azi slowly got closer to Crowley util they were basically cuddling. Crowley put his arm around Aziraphale and smiled, blushing slightly. He pushed his sunglasses further up onto his nose and looked at the smaller man. Aziraphale was watching the Daleks run around on the TV nervously. When they shot he would jump a bit and get closer to Crowley. Crowley chuckled a bit. "Hey don't worry. I'll protect you from the scary aliens." He whispered. 

Azi looked up at him with those big blue eyes. "You promise?" he asked in a very childlike fashion. Crolwey's heart melted. "Of course I promise, Angel. I will always protect you." He said as the doorbell rang for their Chinese food. Aziraphale went to get it and when he came back Doctor Who was over and another show was coming on so Crowley switched to Netflix and put on The Great British Baking Show.

As they ate the boys had pleasant conversation. They laughed and smiled together. During his time hanging out with Aziraphale Crowley realized something. He had never been this close to someone in his life. This scared Crowley so after Azi left he walked over to his laptop and did some google searches on why he felt this way. He couldn't there was no way....There is no way that AJ Crowley love!

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