Chapter 3

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Aziraphale looked at Crowley and took a deep breath. "Alright, I need you to promise me something. I-I usually don't tell people my history but for some reason, I feel compelled to trust you. So, here is my rule...If I tell you this it is incredibly important to me that you tell no one." Crowley put a hand on Aziraphale's shoulder. "I promise," he said pushing his sunglasses up higher on his face. 

Aziraphale stood up and grabbed two bottles of wine from the wine cabinet and sat back down. He handed Crowley a bottle and took a drink from his own. "Alright here goes nothing...The reason that I didn't want to tell you my last name is because you would have instantly recognized it. My full name is Aziraphale Fell...You might know my brother Gabriel..."

Crowley gasped. "W-Wait in the Fell family manufacturing company? Your family owns almost all of England's manufacturing plants." He said in awe. Aziraphale just shrugged. "Yes, they do...I don't talk to them much anymore. They disapprove of my so-called life choices."

Crowley looked confused for a minute before Az elaborated. "My family disapproves of my homosexuality as if it is a choice that I made. When I told them, they cut me out. My brother visits occasionally but only to try and convince me to go to conversion therapy. Every time I try to reach out they just shame me and make me feel like less of a person. I miss them but if all they want to do is change me I need to move on. That's why I got a new job and moved here. I came to start over and be myself. " He was in tears by the end of his speech and Crowley knew exactly how he felt.

"You know I think I found the reason why I always want to help you...We have very similar stories. My family wasn't exactly thrilled when I told them that I was gender fluid so I moved here. I guess we aren't so different. What you've got to remember is that family doesn't always have to be blood. Have you ever heard the saying blood is thicker than water? Well, the actual quote is the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. That means that bonds you form outside of genetics can sometimes be more connected to you than your actual family. There is no one saying that you can't make a new family. One made up of people who never want to change you. People who think that you are perfect the way that you are."

Suddenly before he could say anything else, Crowley was being hugged. Aziraphale was hugging him very tightly making him smile. Crowley hugged him back as Aziraphale let tears fall from his eyes. "T-Thank you so much, Crowley." he pulled away and wiped his eye. "Oh and also just tell me which pronouns you prefer on any given time and I will follow them." he said giving a smile. "I will, I usually go by either she or he but every once in awhile I'll go by they." 

Crowley smiled and chuckled catching a glimpse of the clock. t was currently one-thirty AM. "Wow look at the time. I guess I should go home then?" he almost asked. Aziraphale frowned a bit but nodded, looking at his watch. "I suppose so. Um...If you arent busy tomorrow I would love to meet for dinner. " Crowley agreed and they parted ways until five-thirty the next day.


A week passed and Aziraphale had started his job at Tadfeild University. He was finishing up his lesson for that day when he saw Crowley walk in. His face lit up as he smiled at the other. No one seemed to notice except one particular student. Her name was Anathema Device, a philosophy major attending the school. As soon as she saw Crowley walk into the room she noticed how her professor's eyes softened and his smile widened. That is when she came to the conclusion that this was Professor Aziraphale's boyfriend?....husband?...whatever they were it was more than friends.

As Aziraphale dismissed his class Crowley walked down to the front of the room and gave Aziraphale a small hug. Aziraphale, of course, hugged back and Anathema gave her professor a knowing smile before walking out, to give them privacy. Crowley and Aziraphale, however, were not dating. They were merely friends. 

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